I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

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Written studies and explanations

The seven words of Christ on the cross

Our Redeemer Christ spoke from the cross of His ineffable suffering - as if it were a pulpit - with His seven last words: words of tenderness and love, words of forgiveness and peace, words

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Ancient heresies and heresies


Please return to the biography of Saint Gregory Palamas and also the theological response to this heresy in the Orthodox Doctrines section “The Possibility of Knowing”

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The secret of divine management

3:3 - Hypostasis

1 – لفظة شخص في العربية لقد تعرضنا مراراً في هذا الكتاب لموضوع الأقنوم فقطعنا شوطاً نحو ما سيأتي. وقبل

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Orthodoxy increased

Chapter Nine - The Person of God-Man

أ – تجسّد الكلمة “هلموا نبتهج بالرب مذيعين السرّ الحاضر. فقد زال سياج الحائط المتوسط. والحرّية المحرقة تنقلب عائدة والشاروبين

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Saint Parasikvi
Letter: B - T - Th

Parasikvi the martyr

Saint Martyr Paraskevi was born in a village near Rome during the days of Emperor Adrian (117-138) to Christian parents, Agathon and Politia. It was called Paraskevi because

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Incarnation of the Word

Chapter 18-23

Chapter Eighteen: The works of Christ in the flesh demonstrate the power and ability of the Word of God: by casting out demons, by performing miracles, and by being born of a virgin. 1- When he speaks

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