An Evening in the Wilderness of Holy Mountain Athos – A Dialogue on Prayer

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An evening in the wilderness of the Holy Mountain Athos

A conversation with a hermit about prayer


This book is not available in print. Rather, a Word copy came to us from one of our brothers so that we could publish it.

Therefore, we note that we are not responsible for the contents of this book, nor for any errors in the electronic printing.

The book lacks, according to the English version of it:

  • Foreword

  • Preface

  • Introduction

  1. Silence, Speech and the Life of the monks

  2. Sunset on Mt. Athos

  3. Ascending to my own Tabor

  4. Encounter with the Hermit

  5. Discussion with the Gerondas on the Jesus Prayer

    1. The Significance of the Jesus Prayer

    2. The Stages of the Jesus prayer

    3. Ways of the “Jesus Prayer”

    4. The War of the Devil and Coping with it

    5. The Advent and Withdrawal of Grace

    6. The Fruits of the Jesus Prayer

    7. Errors in practicing the Jesus Prayer and How we Cope with them

    8. The Jesus Prayer is necessary for Clergy and Laymen who live in the world

    9. Saying the Jesus Prayer for Others

  6. The Requests of the Hermit

  7. Midnight in the Desert of Mt. Athos

  8. Celebration of Divine Liturgy

  9. Descent from my own Tabor

  • Epilogue

  • Glossary

What was mentioned above in red does not exist in our electronic version. You can read the introduction and introduction here.

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