Chapter Eleven: Resurrections
Loski concluded his book with the Easter sermon attributed to Chrysostom. I mentioned it in “The Secret of Divine Management.” But now I imitate him in glorifying the Resurrection, […]
Loski concluded his book with the Easter sermon attributed to Chrysostom. I mentioned it in “The Secret of Divine Management.” But now I imitate him in glorifying the Resurrection, […]
The Virgin Mary is the birth of God. She did not give birth to the divine essence, but rather the body of Jesus, which was created by the Holy Spirit in her womb. there is a secret
Chapter Ten: The Virgin Mary, Mother of God Continue reading »
After all our previous clarifications, it remains for us to learn about the teaching of the Church Fathers as summarized by John of Damascus, which is considered an argument among the Orthodox.
Chapter Nine: The Trinity according to the Church Fathers Continue reading »
We return again to the topic equipped with some understanding in light of the above. Aristotle used the word hypostasis in the general sense
Chapter Eight: The Hypostasis in Christian Theology Continue reading »
The Church Fathers had to explain the content of the Christian revelation that says there is one God in 3 persons, and make clear that it is not a narrow monotheism.
1- God is a Trinity. Christianity believes in the oral gospel that Christ and his apostles preached, and then some of the apostles wrote it down in writing in the books of its name.
The topic takes volumes. In the first centuries, the heresy of mysticism swept the ancient world like a snake with dozens of heads, but it was defeated. And in the fourth century
Chapter Five: An overview of Christian groups Continue reading »
Moses asked to see God, and He answered him: “You cannot see my face, because man cannot see me and live... Then I will raise my hand and you will see.”
Before talking about knowing God, we decided to solve an important problem, which is portraying God in the image of humans. Many people have touched on the topic, so sum it up
Chapter Three: On the physical attributes given to God by the Bible Continue reading »
1- God is one. God chose Abraham and his descendants to entrust them with the doctrine of divine monotheism. They didn't keep it. Solomon built high places for his pagan women
Introduction Judaism preceded Christianity in existence. It is attributed to Abraham, his son Isaac, and his grandson Jacob, the father of the twelve tribes. But she didn't
Saint Epiphanius, Bishop of Constantine (Cyprus), said: “How can the Old Testament become useless and not valid for the New Testament?...And from there.”