Links and systems in the third century
Brotherhood and love: Christians in this century have continued to love Christ. They loved one another because they loved Christ and because Christ loved them. And I stayed […]
Brotherhood and love: Christians in this century have continued to love Christ. They loved one another because they loved Christ and because Christ loved them. And I stayed […]
Timaios and Cyril: Domnus I died after the deposition of Paul of Samesata in the year 271, so Timaios took over the succession of Peter in Antioch and took care of
The German scholar Katbush dated the Creed and the Church’s Museums in two volumes, the first appearing in 1984 and the second in 1900.
The bishops intervened: Thus, Antioch was divided, and the rift widened, so the bishops of the neighboring churches intervened. When the dispute intensified in Antioch, Alinos called the bishop of Tarsus.
Zainab of Palmyra (Zenobia): After Emperor Valerian was defeated by the Persians in the year 260 and captured, his son Galianus sat on the throne. could
After the activity of heretics decreased since the end of the second century. Some of them began to return to the embrace of the church. A dispute arose between the bishops about
Baptism of heretics and ungrateful people Continue reading »
During the period of persecution that the Church went through, many denied their faith and then wanted to return to the embrace of the Church. So a difference arose
Philip the Arabian: Julius Philippus was born in Hauran in the early third century to Hauran parents from Rabta Persia. And we don't know
The apostolic office at the Mother of the Churches was reserved for those who are relatives of the Master in the flesh and who are of Jewish origin. I did not incite the Jews
The early believers differed on the day on which they remembered the Passion and the day on which they rejoiced in the Resurrection. They divided into two teams. They were the churches of Asia Minor
Saint Ignatius of Antioch: (Ignatius Theophorus, “the God-bearer”). He was a contemporary of Ignatius Evodius, and they may have shared the leadership of the Church of Antioch (Christians from
The Apostles: The Mother of the Churches preceded in regularity, recognizing the absolute authority of the Apostles out of faith and love. And then all the churches ever followed.