The millennial kingdom
Some Baptists believe that “after his return, Christ will reign on earth for a thousand years.” They believe that this king is “an extension of the Age of Kingdom […]
This booklet is a collection of articles that appeared in several bulletins from the My Parish Bulletin and was compiled, edited, and chapter titles were given by the network. The name chosen for this book was taken from the book “An Orthodox view of the community of converts" Forever. George Attia
Some Baptists believe that “after his return, Christ will reign on earth for a thousand years.” They believe that this king is “an extension of the Age of Kingdom […]
We do not disagree with the Baptists that the New Testament called the struggling believers “saints.” But we disagree with them on many matters, including: ways to achieve holiness, and truth
The holiness and intercession of saints among Orthodox and Baptists read more "
We have proven, above, that the Holy Church has the sole right to interpret the book, not because it was the one that received it (i.e.
“For me, the manuscripts are Jesus Christ. The manuscripts are his cross, his death, his resurrection, and the faith that came from him” (Saint Ignatius of Antioch). and,
“The Church must decide, and I must implement it.” - Emperor Constantine the Great “The Church is a heavenly institution, not an earthly association, and its leaders have no right to
We have become accustomed to the Baptists' method of thought. If we replace any topic they say with another, we come to the same argument: what others say violates the covenant.
The autonomy of the local church in the Baptist faith read more "
Baptists take pride in rediscovering “the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers,” which they took from Martin Luther, and “accepting it with absolute enthusiasm.” The reason for their pride has nothing to do with it
The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers according to Baptists read more "
Baptists consider that “there are two types of ministers in the church: first, bishops, pastors, or priests, and the terms are synonymous (to them), and second, deacons.”
There is no distortion of the meanings of the liturgical service (the Divine Mass) and its salvific effects like what you read in the writings of some Christian groups, especially
The Lord's Supper - Baptists' rejection of the Eucharist read more "
Baptists do not believe in the teaching of the Church regarding the renewal of believers through the sacraments (1), especially the sacrament of baptism. Therefore they wrote a strange teaching that does not take,
Baptists completely reject “infant baptism,” and do not consider it real or regular baptism. This is his “theological and literary background,” according to them, that “God did not
The devout Christian is shocked by the entire teaching of Baptists on baptism. We will explain this in three articles. We will devote this first article to refuting their claims
The Sacrament of Baptism and the Baptist Community read more "