Part Two - 2 - Two treatises on virginity
In 1752 AD, Wetstein discovered in the library of “The Remonstrants” in Amsterdam a text in Syriac by Syric Peschitta of two letters addressed to the celibate […]
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We previously talked about Saint Clement of Rome and his writings in our book:
Introduction to petrology
1. The beginning of patristic Christian literature
Apostolic Fathers
For this reason, I deleted from this edition our discussion of the Apostolic Fathers, as well as the biography of Saint Clement, his writings, and the works attributed to him, and we contented ourselves with repeating the sections of the first letter so that the text could be followed.
Father Tadros Yacoub Malti
[/div3] This book is translated by the Coptic Church: This means that we do not agree with everything that was stated in the comments of the translator or preparer, and sometimes we disagree with it. Please alert us if there is something like this or something that is not understood... To read the text in English, please click here
In 1752 AD, Wetstein discovered in the library of “The Remonstrants” in Amsterdam a text in Syriac by Syric Peschitta of two letters addressed to the celibate […]
This work was contained alongside the original letter of Saint Clement of Rome in the first three manuscripts mentioned above: The manuscript
Chapter Two - 1 - The Epistle of Clement called the Second read more "
Sections of the message: We can divide the message into: Introduction: From the Church of Rome to the Church of Corinth, in which the bishop reveals a truth