House church
“From Paul to the beloved Philemon...and the church in your house” Philemon 2 Philemon was a prosperous master. He expelled a slave from his house who had […]
“From Paul to the beloved Philemon...and the church in your house” Philemon 2 Philemon was a prosperous master. He expelled a slave from his house who had […]
من أعمق معاني الزواج، في المسيحيّة، هو العهد. والعهد التزام الآخر في كلّ تفاصيل حياته، والتزامه دائماً في نور الله
The marriage between depth and superficiality Continue reading »
Marriage is a sacrament of the Church. His first goal is union with God. This is its content and its end. Therefore, every person prepares for him to return to
The marriage between the secret and the world Continue reading »
Read first: Television and its impact on the Christian home Television is a dangerous tool. There are those who call for throwing him out of the house. There are those who call it that
Confronting the dangers of television - suggestions and guidance Continue reading »
Television and its derivatives, in our environment, are the primary, if not the only, entertainment tool for a large segment of our society. For most, television
Television and its impact on the Christian home Continue reading »
Introduction The topic of marriage and family will be discussed: In the early sixties, university students in the West were discussing in their meetings the current topic of marriage and family.
After divorce rulings multiplied generation after generation, some people began to believe that the Orthodox are a divorced group and that they are the ones who suffer from difficulties
Introduction In Christianity in particular, the family structure does not constitute a system of life, but rather its purpose and way of living. Life in Christianity is not
The Bible's view of the family in the face of the world's challenges Continue reading »
Listen, Israel. The Lord our God is one Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And so be it
Among the greetings that Paul the Apostle sends to the Corinthians at the end of his first letter to them is greetings to the “household” churches of Aquila and Priscilla, which...
The child experiences three basic growth crises, then during the third childhood, which extends between the ages of seven and ten, he reaches a stable balance.
Let me begin by saying that the book “Parents and Children in the Christian Family” is not just for parents and children. It is, in fact, for every person who lives
Treatment of parents and children in the Christian family Continue reading »