Scripture, Church and Tradition – An Orthodox Perspective

الكتاب المقدس والكنيسة والتقليد، وجهة نظر أرثوذكسية
للأب جورج فلوروفسكي”

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Chapter Seven: Saint Gregory Palamas and the Tradition of the Fathers

إن الكنيسة “رسولية” بالطبع ولكنها آبائية أيضاً. فهي أساساً “كنيسة الآباء”. وهاتان “السمتان” لا نقدر أن نفصلهما، ولكونها “آبائية” فهي “رسولية” حقاً. وشهادة الآباء هي أكثر من ميزة تاريخية وأكثر من صوت من الماضي.

Chapter Seven: Saint Gregory Palamas and the Tradition of the Fathers Continue reading »

Chapter Six: The authority of councils and the tradition of the fathers

“آباء الكنيسة” لم يتصرفوا كأفراد فقط، بل كرجال كنسيين، بالنيابة عن الكنيسة وباسمها. فهم الناطقون باسم الكنيسة ومفسِّرو إيمانها وحافظوا تقليدها وشهود حقيقتها وإيمانها ومعلِّمون بارزون، وعلى هذا الأساس يقوم سلطانهم!

Chapter Six: The authority of councils and the tradition of the fathers Continue reading »

Chapter Five: The mission of tradition in the ancient church

The problem of the correct interpretation of the Bible remained acute until the fourth century during the Church’s conflict with the Arians, and it did not lessen in intensity than it was in the second century during the resistance of the Gnostics, the Sabalians, and the Montanists. All parties to the conflict resorted to the Bible, to the point that the heretics cited—and still do—its chapters and verses and resorted to its authority.

Chapter Five: The mission of tradition in the ancient church Continue reading »

Chapter Four: The Church: Its Nature and Mission

Christ himself belongs to this community as its head, not only as Lord and Master. He is not above the Church or outside it, for the Church is in him. The Church is not merely a community that believes in Christ and walks in his footsteps or according to his commandments, but rather the community that resides in him and in which he resides through the Holy Spirit.

Chapter Four: The Church: Its Nature and Mission Continue reading »

Chapter Three: The catholicity of the Church

The Church is the work of Christ on earth and is the image of His presence and dwelling in the world. When the Holy Spirit descended on the Church on the Day of Pentecost, which was represented by the Twelve and those gathered with them, He entered the world to dwell among us and to make His work more effective in us than before.

Chapter Three: The catholicity of the Church Continue reading »

Chapter One: Lost Biblical Thought

يُفترض بكهنة المسيح ألا يبشِّروا، من منبر الوعظ على الأقل، بأفكارهم الخاصة لأن الأيدي تُوضع عليهم في الكنيسة للتبشير بكلمة الله. فيُسلَّم إليهم إنجيل يسوع المسيح وتُودع عندهم الرسالة الخالدة والفريدة. لذلك يُنتظر منهم نشر “الإيمان الذي أُعطي للقديسين” وحفظه.

Chapter One: Lost Biblical Thought Continue reading »

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