Conclusion and book references
Why this book? The answer is simple: times have changed. But what's the problem if times change? Isn't it obvious that change [...]
Why this book? The answer is simple: times have changed. But what's the problem if times change? Isn't it obvious that change [...]
If we reflect deeply on the first chapters of the Book of Genesis, we find that man came into existence by the action of divine love. And in existence
- Sex before marriage The saying “sex before marriage” stems mainly from the exaggeration of sex in this era. As long as people's mentality remains
This time is the time of the body. It is a time of elegance, dress, dyed hair, perfumes, deodorants, and powders. It is the time of finery, and all of this is expensive.
The Lord, to whom be glory, says: “...For whoever looks at a woman with lust for her has committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). Jesus does not make
In the world of weakness and sin, clothing appears to be a service and a blessing to man, as it is the body’s cover and veil, in cold and heat. Therefore, the dignity of bodies is
If love is limited to mature people because it is at the core of their experience, and an issue reserved for elites only, then it is obvious to say that
Chapter One: Introduction - depicting contemporary reality Continue reading »