Blessed Augustine's explanation of the Sermon on the Mount

This book is translated by the Coptic Church: This means that we do not agree with everything that was stated in the comments of the translator or preparer, and sometimes we disagree with it. Please alert us if something like this exists or is not understood.
Translated by: Father Tadros Yacoub Malaty.
Edition: January 1962.
Third 2006.
Publisher: St. George's Church, Sporting.
Printing press: St. Mina Monastery Printing Press in Mariout.
We would also like to inform you that there are two opinions about the blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church. One opinion says that he is not a saint because there are some doctrinal errors in his teachings. Another opinion considers him a saint. The errors that the blessed Augustine fell into are the inheritance of original sin and the doctrine of the procession from the Father and the Son. Although he was not the theorist of these, he is considered the spiritual father of all those who adopted these two teachings. For more, see: orthodoxWiki

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