Birth icon
الأيقونة التي أمامنا تقدّم لنا الحدث الإنجيلي بوضوح وبساطة بالعين. تنقل الحدث بالاشكال والالوان المتناسقة كما نظم القديس رومانوس المرنم […]
الأيقونة التي أمامنا تقدّم لنا الحدث الإنجيلي بوضوح وبساطة بالعين. تنقل الحدث بالاشكال والالوان المتناسقة كما نظم القديس رومانوس المرنم […]
The icon of the Transfiguration is the icon of the divine light that was announced to the apostles. Saint Basil the Great said, “The light that appeared on Mount Tabor in...
Applying modern critical approaches to the art of icon painting is not sufficient, in itself, to understand these church images in all their dimensions. this
The Church used graphic art to interpret its Orthodox teaching, which interacted with the lives of believers with vitality and living tradition, especially when it was difficult for the Church.
The beginning of the use of icons: The historian Eusebius narrates that he saw a statue of the Lord Jesus in Banias, Mount Hermon, and that he saw real icons of the apostles.
The holy icon, a historical and doctrinal overview read more "
0 – Introduction: Since childhood, icons have accompanied us in every aspect of the church, especially on the iconostasis. Our churches are a kind of celebration,
The origin of prostration for man is the presence of the image of God in him: - When some blamed us for prostrating to the images of the Savior and Our Lady the Virgin Mary and honoring them,
In the Orthodox icon there are multiple symbols. We will try to understand the most important icon symbols found in our church, especially the ones most used in
The question of icons that arose in Byzantium at the end of the seventh century appears in the Eighty-Second Law of the Council of Trullo (
First: The candle expresses an accurate pictorial expression of the worshiper’s stance before God! She appears calm and calm, and her heart is burning with fire
1- What is an icon? An icon is an often two-dimensional image of the Lord, Lady, saints, and Biblical incidents and parables