Conclusion: Can a woman be a priestess?
It became clear from the context of the book that the Church relies on no standard to answer the question regarding the possibility of women becoming priests. From noble tradition, to […]
It became clear from the context of the book that the Church relies on no standard to answer the question regarding the possibility of women becoming priests. From noble tradition, to […]
Menstruation: Many knowledgeable women see, and at the same time feel, that the menstrual cycle is a matter in which there is no sin or sin.
Talking about spiritual motherhood seems, at first glance, to be empty talk if we think about the state of the Church today, where spiritual fatherhood is almost...
If we chose this title, in its current form, it is not to say that the woman deacon is the one who will later become a priest. Speech
Since childhood - in the care of pious parents - the believer opens his eyes and hears that the Church is a mother who gives birth to the children of God, because her habit
I do not know if there is a character in existence that writers, thinkers, and theologians were exposed to, as they were exposed to Eve. A lot has been said about it and is still being said.
Jesus Christ, the Holy Second Person of God, the only Son of God, born of the Father before all ages, is fully God and fully man. lhave
1-3: Jesus Christ is our standard and our foundation Continue reading »
Church history teaches us that the doctrinal debates and the ecumenical and local councils that were held in the first millennium revealed to us indisputably,
1-2: The second answer comes from the Holy Scriptures Continue reading »
What is the honorable tradition that, in the eyes of a segment of Christians, we appear backward, or even lost, just because we cling to it and make it foundational?
1-1: The first answer comes from understanding the noble tradition Continue reading »
To the Lord be glory. He did not demand that his church be a priestess (1). The Holy Bible, after studying and examining it, has no words about this