Advocate parents
لقد اصطدمت المسيحيّة منذ نشأتها ببيئتها اليهوديّة والوثنيّة فاضطرّت إلى ا لدفاع عن نفسها. وبرز إلى الوجود نمط معيّن من […]
لقد اصطدمت المسيحيّة منذ نشأتها ببيئتها اليهوديّة والوثنيّة فاضطرّت إلى ا لدفاع عن نفسها. وبرز إلى الوجود نمط معيّن من […]
Christian scholars gave the name “Apostolic Fathers” to the first generation of writers who lived with the apostles and succeeded them in the leadership of the emerging church.
Before the incarnation of the Lord, there were friends and friends of the Lord, and the Old Testament talks about them a lot. All of these were living in hope of His coming
Testimony: Witness, testify means both the witness before the court and the one who gave his blood for Christ. The witness and the martyr are one in Arabic.
Introduction: The Orthodox Church emphasizes the importance of fathers to the point that it was known as “the Church of the Fathers.” So who are they? The parent is usually the one
The faithful are always captivated by the fact that the saints, especially the hermits, were, in their lives, too strong to be captivated by the needs of their bodies. Of course, this does not mean
It is good for us to rely on the prayers of God’s saints, even if we are active in fulfilling our duty. You may say: What is the need for the prayers of others, then?
Christ has conquered the world. This victory was further revealed and fulfilled in the fact of Christ establishing his church. I've got the sex unit
The saints must be honored because they are beloved of Christ, children and heirs of God, as John the Theologian and Evangelist says: “As many as received him he gave to be
Concerning the saints and the necessity of honoring them and honoring their remains read more "
Why do we ask for the intercession of the saints? Didn't Christ command that we pray to God only and not to the saints? Can the saints hear?
القديسون: عندما يطلق الرسول بولس على المسيحيين صفة “القديسين”، فهو يقصد أنهم “مفروزون”. وعندما يصف بطرس الكنيسة بأنها “جماعة كهنوتية
* القداسة هي الهدف: المسيحي، إذاً، هو من يسلك درب القداسة في شركة الأخوة. ليس من أحد يفهم إلا على