Chapter 51-57
Chapter Fifty-One: The Virtue of Virginity. The effectiveness of Christ’s teaching in changing brutal dispositions and the tendency to murder and war. 1- Who among the human beings is yet […]
عرض لمحتويات المقالة/الكتاب:
تشمل المقالة على 57 فصلاً يمكننا تقسيمها حسب مضمونها والعناصر الرئيسية التي جاءت بها إلى مقدمة وخمسة أقسام كالآتي:
هذا الكتاب من ترجمة الكنيسة القبطية: وهذا يعني أن ليس كل ما جاء في تعليقات المترجم أو المعد نتفق معه وأحياناً نختلف معه وأحياناً في متن النص (أي ترجمة توضيحية أو إضافة إلى متن النص توضع بين قوسين). فالرجاء تنبيهنا في حال وجود شيء من هذا القبيل أو غير مفهوم… ولقراءة النص باللغة الإنجليزية، الرجاء اضغط here
Chapter Fifty-One: The Virtue of Virginity. The effectiveness of Christ’s teaching in changing brutal dispositions and the tendency to murder and war. 1- Who among the human beings is yet […]
Chapter Forty-Six Exposing pagan worship, consulting idols, superstitious legends, satanic works, magic, and pagan philosophy, since the time of the incarnation. And while we see
Chapter Forty-One: Response to the Greeks. Do they acknowledge the Word? If He reveals Himself in the order and arrangement of the universe, what prevents Him?
Chapter Thirty-Six: Prophecies about the greatness of Christ and about [the flight] to Egypt...etc. 1 - But what king ever reigned and conquered?
Chapter Thirty: The truth of the Resurrection is proven by some facts, namely: (1) The dominance of death, as was clear from the above. (2) The wonders of Christ’s work
Chapter Twenty-Four: Responding to some other objections. Christ did not choose the method of his death because he had to prove it
Chapter Eighteen: The works of Christ in the flesh demonstrate the power and ability of the Word of God: by casting out demons, by performing miracles, and by being born of a virgin. 1- When he speaks
Chapter Thirteen And here too: Was it possible for God to remain silent and allow the false gods to be worshiped instead of
Chapter Seven: On the other hand, we know that God's nature is constant and cannot change. Are humans then called to repent?
Chapter One Introduction: The topic of this article: the humility and incarnation of the Word. Teaching about creation through the word. The Father accomplished the salvation of the world through Him
For whom did Saint Athanasius write the Incarnation of the Word? The article “The Incarnation of the Word” is the second part of a book written by Saint Athanasius
From the article The Incarnation of the Word by Saint Athanasius the Great read more "