The nine holy martyrs martyred in Kyzikos
They are Theognetus, Rufus, Antipatros, Theosticus, Artamon, Magnus, Theodotus, Thomasius, and Philemon. They came from different places and their ages varied. Their positions in society ranged […]
They are Theognetus, Rufus, Antipatros, Theosticus, Artamon, Magnus, Theodotus, Thomasius, and Philemon. They came from different places and their ages varied. Their positions in society ranged […]
These saints were martyred during the time of the Byzantine Emperor Michael III (842-867) and the Abbasid Caliph Al-Wathiq Billah (842-847). These martyrs became prisoners
During the time of the Roman Emperor Decius, in the middle of the third century AD, a fierce wave of persecution broke out against Christians. After that, it was broadcast
“The People of the Cave” are the seven young saints who lived in Ephesus: Maximilian, Xacostodianus, Pamphilchus, Martinus, Dionysius, Antonius, and John. The Church commemorates them twice
The seven holy boys in Ephesus - the People of the Cave read more "
كان استشهاد هؤلاء القديسين حوالي العام 320م، على عهد ليسينيوس قيصر (308- 323م) لا نعرف بالتدقيق اصل هذه المجموعة الاربعينية
In the year 796 AD, the Arabs sought to attack the Bedouin tribes in Palestine. In this context, many Christian cities and villages were exposed to
Our righteous fathers who were martyred in the Monastery of Saint Saba read more "
القداسة في الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية، هي الهاجس وهي المآل. إرادة الله قداستكم كما قيل. والقداسة هي الخلاص. ما معنى القداسة؟ مَن
They are the ones appointed by Jesus Christ as his apostles, other than the twelve disciples. And he sent them two, two before his face into every city and place
The Apostle Peter (his feast day is June 29): His name is also Simeon or Cephas, which means the Rock. He lived in Bethsaida and Capernaum