I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Icon of the Dormition of Our Lady
Mother of God, the Virgin Mary

Dormition of the Mother of God

Date of the feast: The Feast of the Dormition of Our Lady is the last major feast in the liturgical year that ends on August 31, and is inaugurated by the Nativity of the Virgin.

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Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker
Letter: A

The miraculous Spyridon

Saint Spyridon was born and lived on the island of Cyprus. He became a professional sheep herder. He was very simple and pure of heart. And since it was

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Ancient heresies and heresies

Heresy of Judaizing Christians

The apostles suffered from the heresies they encountered and fought them so that they would not spread to the early believers. But the greatest hardship came from some groups

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Corporate institutions

Book Eight: In the Spirit of Anger

يفتتح القديس يوحنا كاسيان كتابه “في روح الغضب” بالكشف عن خطورة الغضب، إذ يصيب البصيرة الداخلية، فيفقدنا قدرتنا على رؤية

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