I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Ancient heresies and heresies

Manichaean heresy

It was stated in the history of the monk Edessa that the Third Council of Antioch forbade the teachings of Mani at the same time it forbade the teachings of Paul of Samesata.

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Until the sixteenth century

Holy Sepulcher

Crusades 1098-1204 In late November 1098, the Crusaders rose from Antioch and its environs and marched to Kafr Tab, and Munqidh corresponded with them.

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Crucifixion, death and resurrection

The Passion and Crucifixion of Christ

There are many approaches to Christ's suffering and crucifixion, each according to his way of life. The first approach is human-centered and dominated by the emotional, emotional component. the second

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Yes or No to the priesthood of women?

Conclusion: Can a woman be a priestess?

It became clear from the context of the book that the Church relies on no standard to answer the question regarding the possibility of women becoming priests. From the noble tradition, to

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Tourists between earth and sky

3:1 - Our royal priesthood

The third section: Our ecclesiastical life: “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9). Perhaps one of the most common topics.

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