I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Holiness and saints

The power of the saints

The faithful are always captivated by the fact that the saints, especially the hermits, were, in their lives, too strong to be captivated by the needs of their bodies. Of course, this does not mean

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Saints martyrs, starting from the left and from the first row: Antipatros, Artamon, Magnus, Philemon, Rufus, Thomasius, Theodotus, Theognetus and Theosticus.
Groups of saints and caravans of martyrs

The nine holy martyrs martyred in Kyzikos

They are Theognetus, Rufus, Antipatros, Theosticus, Artamon, Magnus, Theodotus, Thomasius, and Philemon. They came from different places and their ages varied. Their positions in society varied

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The deification of human nature

المسيح الرب هو مخلّصنا لأنه هو إيّاه الإله الإنسان. في شخصه يصير الإله إنساناً ويصير الإنسان إلهاً. بشخصه الإلهي الإنساني

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