I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Fasting and prayer

Psalm 50

The fiftieth psalm occupies a special place in church worship, as it is present in most of the daily prayers: midnight, evening, the first hour, sleep.

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Until the ninth century

Great persecution

Ruling before the persecution: After the killing of Aurelianus in his campaign against the Sassanians in the year 275, several emperors succeeded to the throne who were killed.

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Daily and individual Orthodox prayers

Orthodox daily prayers

Prayer before eating, prayer after eating, prayer before studying, prayer after finishing studying, prayer before reading the Bible, prayer of repentance by Saint Ephrem the Syrian, prayer before confession, prayer before starting a trip, prayer when driving a car

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Gerasimus of Jordan, the righteous saint
Letter: J-H-KH

Gerasimus of Jordan

He is from the province of Lycia in Asia Minor. He took up monastic life in his homeland and achieved great successes in confronting the ruler of the Power of the Air

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The Christology of Saint John of Damascus

In the Lord's prayer

What is prayer? What does it mean that Christ prayed? Prayer is the elevation of the mind to God, or it is seeking our needs from Him, the Almighty.

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