I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Martyr Ixani
Letter: A

Ixani the hermit

Her baptismal name was Afsafiya, meaning “pious.” She was born and raised to noble parents, and when she reached marriageable age, her parents wanted to marry her.

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In body, lust and clothing

Conclusion and book references

لماذا هذا الكتاب؟ الجواب بسيط: لقد تغيّر هذا الزمان. ولكن ما المشكلة إذا تغيّر الزمان؟ أليس من البديهي أن يتغيّر

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Spiritual articles by Father Porphyrios the seer

About the sacrament of repentance

” التوبة الحقيقيّة تجلب التّقديس “ Å التّوبة الحقيقيّة تجلب التّقديس لا شيءَ أعظمُ سموّاً ممّا يسمّى “التّوبة والإعتراف”. هذا

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Orthodox views on the Church

The nature of the church

The Church was founded by Christ. The first thing that appears in the New Testament is the Evangelist Matthew, when the Apostle Peter promises that...

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Orthodox views on the Church

Is there a need for church?

Why does this question arise: Is there a need for the church? What do people say? In my mind there is an echo of everything that resonates in people's minds.

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