I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

The Orthodox Church is a faith and doctrine

Chapter Four: Orthodox Worship or Heaven on Earth

(الكنيسة هي السماء على الأرض وفيها يقيم إله السماء ويعمل).جرمانوس، بطريرك القسطنطينية (توفي عام 733) العقيدة والعبادة: يروى في (تاريخ

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Until the twelfth century

Constantinople and Rome after the Great Schism

 الانشقاق العظيم1054-1098 رُقاد ميخائيل الأول: وتوفي قسطنطين التاسع بعد صدور السيميومة بخمسة أشهر أي في الحادي عشر من كانون الأول

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Our position on the Seventh-day Adventists

Seventh-day Adventists and Spiritualists

We would not have included - in the context of talking about the errors of the Seventh-day Adventists - this topic (conversing with spirits), if the Seventh-day Adventists had not accused the Church.

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Modern heresies and heresies

The temptation of heresies

“Evangelical” movements launch a fierce attack in Christian circles and regurgitate their boring narrative against the Mother of God, the saints, infant baptism, icons, and the priesthood as if they were...

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Types and forms of preaching

A. Types of preaching: Many basic factors change in a sermon depending on the occasion. In addition to changing the topic, the ideal duration of the sermon, the tone, and the movement change.

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An Orthodox vision of science, modernity and the challenges of the era

Words in openness

Most people distort the meaning of openness with their interpretations and behavior, and do not live it as a virtue by appreciating those who deserve appreciation and respecting every difference. You see that every

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