I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Studies in travel

The letter to Titus

One of a group of three harmonious letters (to which the two letters to Timothy are added), which, since the seventeenth century, have been called

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Until the ninth century

Lyondius, Bishop of Antioch

(344-358) Londius had learned theology and philosophy from Lucian, the Antiochian teacher, but Ephestheus refused to accept him into the ranks of the Antiochian clergy. And it was

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An Orthodox view of the Baptist community

Baptists, who are they?

The Baptists, known in Lebanon as the Southern Baptists, are one of a group of sects that mainly reject infant baptism. What matters to us, here, is

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The theology of the church and its nature

The Orthodox Church is the Church of Tradition

الكلام على “التقليد الشريف” صعب ودقيق، وذلك لأنه تراث الكنيسة وذاكرتها المقدسة التي “حُفظت فيها الحقيقة: رسالة خلاص الإنسان”. وهذه

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History of Orthodox Churches

Patriarchate of Antioch

The Antiochian See is not a branch. The See of Antioch has a heritage and its Christian contribution, which is essential. We must dig up our history. ..And if we take off

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