I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Virtues and spiritual struggle

How to save the soul

What do you say to the person who asks: “How can I save myself?” Thus: Repent, and be strengthened by the power of grace in the divine mysteries, walk in

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Icon of the Fathers of the Caves Monastery in Kiev - a common feast for them is celebrated on September 28
Saint Theodosius, founder of the Caves Monastery in Kiev

Saint Theodosius in the monastery

Igomanos (12), founder of the Monastery of Ptsir Sky. The ascetic efforts practiced by our father Saint Theodosius inside the cave soon led to

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The Apostle Barnabas
Letter: B - T - Th

Barnabas the Apostle

Barnabas was born on the island of Cyprus and was a Levite. His original name was “Joseph,” but the apostles called him “Barnabas.” His name means “son of prophecy,” but Luke

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Until the sixteenth century

Holy Sepulcher

Crusades 1098-1204 In late November 1098, the Crusaders rose from Antioch and its environs and marched to Kafr Tab, and Munqidh corresponded with them.

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