I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Tourists between earth and sky

3:5 – Liturgy

In order to better understand the meaning of liturgy and its true, comprehensive dimensions, we must start from its concept as a relationship between God and man. So who

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Saint Sabinus of Egypt, the martyr
Letter: S - Sh

Sabinus of Egypt, the holy martyr

From one of the prominent families in Hermopolis on the Nile. He is famous for his activity in favor of Christianity. When it was a time of great persecution, during the days of Emperor Theocalcitems,

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Tikhon, Patriarch of Russia
Letter: B - T - Th

Tikhon, Patriarch of Russia

He was the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia between 1917 and 1925. The position of patriarch was suspended by Tsar Peter the Great in the eighth century

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