The essence of God

Chapter Three - Detailed Explanation of the Constitution: From “I Believe in One God” to “Has Adam’s Body Changed...?”

Let us now enter into the heart of the matter with faith, love, and trembling, because when talking about the Trinity, angels tremble at its horror. 1- “I believe in one God”

Chapter Three - Detailed Explanation of the Constitution: From “I Believe in One God” to “Has Adam’s Body Changed...?” Continue reading »

Chapter Four - The God of Advertising

Man cannot know the divine truth, that is, he cannot know the essence of God, but only knows the uncreated actions of God, that is, His effects. However, the Church tradition and the Holy Bible speak of specific appearances of God, the most important of which was His appearance to Abraham in the form of three angels. The Church Fathers say that this event is the first appearance of the Holy Trinity in the Old Testament.

Chapter Four - The God of Advertising Continue reading »

Chapter Three - Divine Acts

ينبغي أن نميّز إذاً بين جوهر الله وبين أفعاله الإلهية. فالإنسان لا يستطيع أن يعرف جوهر الله، إنما بإمكانه أن يعرف أفعاله أو قدراته التي لا تنفصل عن جوهره. ولهذا شبّهها الآباء بشعاع الشمس الذي يعمل خارج نطاقها (الشمس) مع انه غير منفصل عنها

Chapter Three - Divine Acts Continue reading »

Chapter Seven: Saint Gregory Palamas and the Tradition of the Fathers

إن الكنيسة “رسولية” بالطبع ولكنها آبائية أيضاً. فهي أساساً “كنيسة الآباء”. وهاتان “السمتان” لا نقدر أن نفصلهما، ولكونها “آبائية” فهي “رسولية” حقاً. وشهادة الآباء هي أكثر من ميزة تاريخية وأكثر من صوت من الماضي.

Chapter Seven: Saint Gregory Palamas and the Tradition of the Fathers Continue reading »

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