I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Ancient heresies and heresies

Heresy of Tatian the Syrian

Tatianus was born on the lower island in Hadyabin to pagan parents and was raised in paganism. Then he sought wisdom, so he left and wandered and resided in

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The theology of the church and its nature

The charismatic church

تدل لفظة kharisma في العالم اليوناني (χάριμα) على “الهبة المجانية”، أصلها kharis ) χάρις) اي “نعمة”. ومن المعلوم أن الأباطرة قديما

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Sts. Pelopidas, Chronius, Phocion, Sophocles, Isocrates, Hercules, Epaminondas, Demesthenes, Miltiades, Homer, Demos, Terendius Gregory, Africanus & Pericles
Groups of saints and caravans of martyrs

African Martyr Saints

During the time of the Roman Emperor Decius, in the middle of the third century AD, a fierce wave of persecution broke out against Christians. After that, it was broadcast

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The sacrament of baptism

In early baptism

I will not, in this haste, talk about secret baptism, nor will I attempt to explain its meanings. Rather, I will simplify in clarifying some of what must be done.

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Saint Sincletiki the righteous
Letter: S - Sh

Sincletiki, the righteous saint

Her identity and upbringing: She is originally from Macedonia, from a noble and pious family. Her parents were devout believers. For their piety, they moved to Alexandria after the reputation of piety reached them

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Holy delivery - the honorable tradition

Surrender in the New Testament

The New Testament Church arose and spread, as is clear from the testimony of the New Testament books, through oral preaching in many areas, and before

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