I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Liturgy, rituals and prayers


In order to better understand the meaning of liturgy and its true, comprehensive dimensions, we must start from its concept as a relationship between God and man. So who

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Liturgy, rituals and prayers

Inauguration of the church

In the ritual of our Orthodox Church, the church is inaugurated with special prayers and rituals, in addition to readings from the Holy Bible, Psalms, letters, and the Gospel, as well as

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Doctrinal theological studies and articles

Creation of the invisible world

يقصد بكلمة “ما لا يرى” في دستور الإيمان عالم السموات غير المنظورة أي عالم الملائكة أما كلمة ملاك، والتي تعني

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