I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Until the twelfth century

The Fatimid state

الفاطميون والكنيسة843-1025 الشيعة: وكانت شيعة عليّ لا تزال تتطلب الخلافة له ولنسله وترى أنهم أحق بها. وكان الخلفاء العباسيون يحذرونهم

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Easter Epistles of Saint Athanasius the Great

The Twelfth Easter Epistle

 ذكرت مجموعة آباء نيقية الرسالة 12 وعلقت بأنها جاءت في طبعة (MS) بعد الرسالة ال11 مع اعتبار أنه يحتمل أن

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Martyr Trevin
Letter: B - T - Th

Tryven the Martyr

The martyr Tryphen, who lived in the third century and bore witness to Christ before the birth of this world. He did not weaken in the face of torments and temptations, so his pain became impossible.

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Sts. Pelopidas, Chronius, Phocion, Sophocles, Isocrates, Hercules, Epaminondas, Demesthenes, Miltiades, Homer, Demos, Terendius Gregory, Africanus & Pericles
Groups of saints and caravans of martyrs

African Martyr Saints

During the time of the Roman Emperor Decius, in the middle of the third century AD, a fierce wave of persecution broke out against Christians. After that, it was broadcast

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Monks' Grove

Saint Macarius of Egypt

جاء عن القديس مقاريوس المصري أنه قال: إني في حالِ شبابي كنتُ جالساً في قلايةٍ في مصرَ، فأمسكوني وجعلوني قساً

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Russian tourist on the paths of God

Fifth story

STARTS: It had been a year since my last encounter with the tourist, when - finally - a muffled knock on the door and a pleading voice...

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