I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

Virtues and spiritual struggle

Self-examination with the Beatitudes

My brothers and fathers, in the previous sermon, we were discussing the nature of watching over oneself, and we left our topic incomplete in order to avoid prolonging the conversation. And now,

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Introduction to preaching

A. تعريف: موضوع علم الوعظ هو الدراسة العلمية لمنهجية ومناهج الوعظ المسيحي فهو يدرس تاريخ الوعظ ومراجعه كما يدرس تطوره،

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Easter Epistles of Saint Athanasius the Great

The twentieth Easter message

عيد القيامة في 3 أبريل 348م. لنحفظ العيد يا اخوتي، لأنه كما اخطر ربنا تلاميذه هكذا، فأنه يخبرنا مقدمًا أن

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Yes or No to the priesthood of women?

3: Related issues

Menstruation: Many knowledgeable women see, and at the same time feel, that the menstrual cycle is a matter in which there is no sin or sin.

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