
Here we will give an example of what the converts said through a cassette tape recorded at one of their meetings in the village of “Bishmezin” in Lebanon, where an Orthodox young man from the parish of Bishmezin attended their meeting, recorded the tape, and later gave it to the parish priest, and it stated the following:

# At the beginning of the cassette, the priest directs his speech to God, saying: {We ask you, O Lord, to bless. We ask you, O Lord, to build up the believers. You, who care for your church...we ask you to Crack Your word has a way in this area, Lord, we ask you to Crack A path in this town, our Lord, so that you may run, glorify, and magnify the name of Jesus, who has become our redemption from you, who has become our holiness and righteousness. We ask you, in honor of him, to place this meeting with everyone in it, O Lord, before you, every soul, yes, O Lord, to bless it. The unsaved sinner who is not born again must deal with him with your spirit, draw him to your cross, to the cross of your son Jesus Christ}. Notice that at first they showed all charity and kindness but the words were clear: “We ask you to Crack Your word has a path in this region and town,” meaning that he wants to Shove The region and the town by establishing new groups in it, and we have had enough of the groups that are fragmenting the church.

# Then he says: {You know and we know, O Lord, that tares have increased among us in this country, in this region, and in this town}. Then he cites stories and poems...

# And in the end, he says what is the heart of the matter, directing the speech to those present and some of them who are not converted: {Say to him, “Free me, O Jesus, this evening. Purify me with your blood, O Jesus. Make me to be your son, and when the time comes for me to go to you... I ask of every person.” Out of respect for the Holy One, for the Lord who is in our midst, he must bow his head and close his eyes. This moment is one of the most dangerous moments of our lives, moments in which your eternal destiny is decided. Perhaps this is the last opportunity that God allows for you to hear His voice and His divine call, to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life, so that you become a Christian not in name, but rather a true Christian, a Christian who did not inherit your Christianity from your fathers and grandfathers, although we thank them for raising us, but an experimental Christian when you open your heart. Tonight and say: “Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. Free me, Jesus, this night.” Who wants?... Who else?... Don't be ashamed, who else?... Raise your hand... What do you have left for the afterlife, my beloved... How much is the judgment of us Christians who know about Christ, his crucifixion, death, coming and incarnation? The judgment of this person will be great... Say, Jesus Free me from condemnation, cleanse me from sins... Last time I askWhoever wants to surrender his heart to Jesus, let him raise his hand so I can pray for him... Raise your hand, my love, God bless you... Who else wants?... Raise your hand, God bless you, my love... Who else?... Raise your hand without shame. May Jesus bless you... Who else?... We do not ask for sect, Jesus does not care about sect, Jesus has no sects, Jesus wants you to change your life and heart and purify you from every sin... Who else does he want except those who raised their hands?... May God bless you. Who else?... Who else?... Raise your hand, my love. Jesus offers you the greatest gift, will you refuse it tonight?... Eternal life, eternal salvation, eternal forgiveness, eternal freedom, for free...}

# Here the priest’s tone changes and becomes more benevolent, as the cassette transmitter noted, like a salesman who demonstrates his wares: {The last time I say it... Who wants eternal life?...and to surrender his heart to Jesus?...}

# It appears from the course of the conversation that the turnout was not what the preacher desired, because he then says: {The people who raised their hands, let them stand in their places, and repeat the prayer after me...Stand in your place, my beloved...Shame the devil and stand...Do not be ashamed of Jesus, he was not ashamed of you. When he bore your shame on the cross... let those who have raised their hands stand... If you are ashamed of him here, he will be ashamed of you there. Who else wants?... Stand up, my love. Stop, my sister. Whoever raises his hand, let him stand... Repeat this prayer after me: “O Jesus, O Jesus, have mercy on me, your servant and your maidservant, purify me with your blood... etc.”}

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