5:2- The stages of prayer
I mentioned earlier that rational prayer requires mainly a rejection of the world, obedience to the elder, and a decision of the monk’s determination to remain […]
I mentioned earlier that rational prayer requires mainly a rejection of the world, obedience to the elder, and a decision of the monk’s determination to remain […]
I told him: If I understood well, this is definitely achieved through asceticism, awakening, and praying to Jesus. But excuse me
I began to speak in a low voice, saying: O holy sheikh, I have been seized these days by a strong desire that I believe God has...
5- Discussion with the Sheikh about prayer Continue reading »
I continued my journey towards the heights, heading towards Mount Tajjall, and after a while, but with great effort, I reached the house that I wanted to visit. I stood for a while
4- The interview with the man of the wilderness Continue reading »
It was the afternoon hour. While the sun was on its way to setting, I was making my way upwards, to shine with light, and the sunset would meet me.
The sun was setting. As for the morning hours on the Holy Mountain, they are full of perfumes and surrounded by magical splendor, and the darkness of the night dissipates as
The Holy Mountain Athos is a secret place that speaks in silence and says a lot. This silence is eternity itself, because it is the language of the age to come. How much?
1- The silence of the monks, their words and their lives Continue reading »