I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.

History of the Bible Law
Written studies and explanations

History of the New Testament Canon

Introduction: The words of Christ are light and life, a light to our mind that shines on us who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. It is life to our tired hearts in...

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The Christology of Saint John of Damascus

في التقدم في المسيح

أجل، إنه لوارد القول بأنّ المسيح “كان يتقدّم بالحكمة والسنّ والنعمة” (لوقا2: 52). ذلك أنه فيما كان ربنا يزداد سنّاً،

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Studies in travel

The third letter of John

The third epistle of John the Beloved appears to be a personal card dealing with an issue that the Apostle paid great attention to, which is related to the issue of the treatment of missionaries.

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Doctrinal theological studies and articles

Father's love

Jesus Christ is the one who revealed to us that God is “Father” with all the love, mercy, and tenderness that this name carries. Fatherhood

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