
Easter on April 15, 339 AD.

Let us endure hardship for the sake of the kingdom!

For Paul the Apostle was girded with every virtue(1)He was called a believer in the Lord, because he did not feel anything within himself(2)Rather, he longed for virtue and praise and what is consistent with love and righteousness, and for this reason he was always attached to these things more and more, and he was carried to heavenly places and caught up to Paradise.(3) If he surpassed others in his repentance, he would be glorified more than them.

And when He descended (from Paradise) He preached to everyone, “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.”(4). “Now I know in part, but then I will know as I knew.”(5). In fact, he was known among the saints as their parishioner(6).

His knowledge of the future and perfect things is some knowledge, but as for the things that the Lord commanded him and entrusted to him, he knew them with complete knowledge, as He said, “Let all of us who are perfect consider this.”(7).

Just as the Gospel of Christ is the completion and fulfillment of the service that was previously given by the (Mosaic) Law..., so also the things to come will be the fulfillment and implementation of what currently exists, as believers will realize what they have not seen now, and which they did not hope for, as Paul says, “For no one has seen it.” How can he hope for it too?! But if we hope for what we do not see, we expect it with patience.”(8).

Since this blessed man had these qualities, and the apostolic grace was entrusted to him, that is why he wrote, longing for all people to be like him.(9)

Great is the fellowship in the kingdom of heaven, because there are thousands upon thousands and countless thousands serving God.

Although the path to the Kingdom is narrow and distressing for man, when he enters, he sees an immeasurable breadth and a place above every place, as those who saw it with their own eyes and enjoyed it testified to this.

(Says mortals on the way) “You have put pressure (sorrows) on our strength”(10)But when they later tell of their sorrows, they say, “You brought us out to fertility.”(11)And also, “In distress you welcomed me.”(12).

Truly, my brothers, the share of the saints here is affliction, as they labor and suffer because of their longing for future things, like the one who said, “Woe is me, for my sojourn has been long.”(13). They are distressed and spend because of the salvation of others, as the Apostle Paul wrote to the people of Corinth, saying, “May my God humiliate me before you when I come again and mourn for many who sinned before and did not repent of the impurity, adultery, and fornication that they committed.”(14). Just as Samuel mourned over the destruction of Saul, and Jeremiah wept over the captivity of the people.

When they leave this world, after this sadness, depression, and sighing, they attain happiness, joy, and divine rejoicing, and misery, sadness, and sighing flee from them.

Paul teaches us all his letters

If this is our situation, my brothers, “let us not hesitate in the path of virtue, as he advises us, saying, “Be imitators of me, just as I am of Christ.”(15). Although he gave this advice to the Corinthians alone, he advises us all through them, since he was not their apostle alone, but rather “a teacher of the nations in faith and truth.”(16).

In short, the matters that he wrote to specific people, he ordered everyone to do. That is why he wrote to different peoples, so he ordered some (commandments) in his letters to Rome, Ephesus, and Philemon.

He rebuked some, being angry with them, as in the cases of the Corinthians and the Galatians.

He gave advice to some, as he did to the people of Colossians and the people of Thessalonians.

As for the Philippians, he praised them and rejoiced in them.

The Hebrews taught them that the law was their shadow.

As for his two sons. Timothy and Titus, when they were close to him, he gave them instructions, and when they were far away, he reminded them.

Thus, Paul was everything to all people, and because he was a perfect human being, he applied his teachings according to the needs of each one, in order to save some of them in every way. Therefore, his word was not without fruit, but it grew in every place and became fruitful until this day...

It begins by introducing us to God, followed by the divine commandments.

Truly, we must research the apostolic thought, not at the beginning of the letters, but rather at the end and at the heart of them, where it provides beliefs and advice.

I hope, through your prayers, to show you the method of this saint, which is not false. Since he had well trained in these divine matters, and knew the power of divine teaching, he considered them necessary.

In the first place, the word about Christ and the secret about Him appears, and after that it refers to the correction of habits, since they have known the Lord and are eager to carry out the divine commands.

Because if the “Guide” (Christ) to the commandments was not known, they would not be prepared to keep the commandments.

The faithful Moses - the servant of God - used the same method. For when he proclaimed the words of the divine law, he first spoke of matters pertaining to the knowledge of God, saying, “Listen...the Lord our God, the Lord is one.”(17) After he pointed out to the people about God and taught them who to believe in and told them about the true God, then he began to present the law regarding the things by which a person is pleasing to God, saying, “You shall not commit adultery. Do not steal” along with the rest of the commandments.

Thus, according to the Apostolic teaching, “He who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.”(18).

Now he searches for God through good deeds, as the Prophet said, “Seek the Lord while he may be found.” Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the wicked man his thoughts.”(19).

Other examples:

Also, the human being (Hermas) did not make a mistake in the book “The Shepherd” as he began at the beginning of the book saying... “Above all, he believed that there is one God, who created all things and brought them into being from nothingness into existence.”(20).

Rather, the blessed evangelists who recorded the words of the Lord, at the beginning of their Gospels, wrote about the matters concerning the Savior, so that, since they first knew the Lord the Creator, others would believe them when they narrated the events mentioned. Because how can it be believed that He wrote regarding lightening the eyes of the one born blind from his mother’s womb and other blindness, raising the dead, turning water into wine, and cleansing the lepers, if they did not first learn that He is the Creator, as He wrote, “In the beginning was the Word”!(21)

What was mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew that he was the one from the seed of David, “Emmanuel,” the son of the living God?! This is what the Jews and Arians hide their faces from, but we know him and worship him.

Therefore, as we have seen, the Messenger was sent to a different people, but he mentions his own son in order not to despise the teachings that he received from him.(22)Commanding him, “Remember Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead, from the lineage of David, according to my Gospel.”(23).

And when he told him about these things that he had handed over to him, so that he would always remember them, that is why he wrote to him immediately, saying, “Take care of this. Be in it”(24).

The benefit of contemplating the divine word

Because constant contemplation and remembering the divine words strengthens piety toward God and produces love for Him who is inseparable (from us).

As he thought about this, he spoke about himself and others like him, saying with courage, “Who will separate us from the love of God (Christ)?” Romans 8:35. Because such people, when they remain steadfast in the Lord and have a firm, struggling plan, and because they are one in the Spirit (because whoever is united by the Spirit is one Spirit), they will be steadfast “like Mount Zion.” Even if thousands of temptations rise up against them, they will be established on the rock that is Christ.(25).

The fruits of evil

As for the neglectful, they do not gain joy in Christ, and since they do not have a permanent goal for goodness, they become defiled by temporal attacks, and do not care about matters that transcend temporal matters, as they are not steadfast, and deserve rebuke in terms of faith. Because the cares of this world or the deceit of riches choke them(26). Or as Jesus said in that parable that he pointed out to them, since they were not established in the faith that was preached to them, but received it for a while, and immediately in a time of persecution or distress for the word’s sake, immediately they stumble.(27).

For those who think evil, we say that they think wrongly and not rightly, not good thinking but evil, because their tongues learn to utter lies.

They did evil and were not repentant.

While they maintain delight in evil deeds, they hasten to do so without ceasing, trampling under their feet the commandment concerning the strong, and instead of loving their neighbors, they plot evil against them, as the saint testifies, saying, “And those who seek evil against me speak evil things, and they delve deceitfully all day long.”(28).

The reason for such thinking is only because of their ignorance, as the divine proverb declared before, saying that a son who forgets his father’s commandment thinks about evil.

Since such thinking is evil... That is why the Holy Spirit rebukes him, saying... “For your hands have been defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity. Your lips have spoken lies, and your tongue has spoken evil. “There is no one who calls for justice and there is no one who judges with justice.”(29).

But what is the end of maintaining such thoughts, as he declares the situation, saying, “They speak falsehood and speak lies. They conceived in labor and gave birth to iniquity. They hatched snake eggs and weaved spider webs. Whoever eats their eggs will die, and whoever breaks them will bring forth a snake.”(30).

once again. What hope for such things, he declared, “For this reason truth has turned away from us, and justice has not overtaken us. We wait for light and find darkness. A light and we are in complete darkness. We touch the wall like blind people and like those without eyes we spy. We stumbled at noon as well as in the dark. In the fog like the dead. We all roar like a fool and like a dove (Roaring, we roar)(31).

These are the fruits of evil. As these punishments are inflicted on whoever indulges in them, because twisting does not save the one who does it, in reality it comes against those who use it, tearing them apart first and destroying them...

These (evil ones) say that their tongues, according to the testimony of the psalmist, are sharp swords, and their teeth are like arrows(32). But the strange thing is that while he attacks others, he does not harm them, but they are torn apart by their own tongues. Because they have within themselves anger, truth, envy, deceit, hatred, and bitterness...

Although they are unable to harm others (with these evils), by doing so they turn back on themselves first and against them, as the psalmist prays, saying, “Their sword shall enter into their hearts.”(33). And there is also about such a “wicked man... by the cords of his sin he is caught.”(34).

Example: The evil Jews

Since the thoughts of the Jews were to do injustice to the Lord... they forgot that they were bringing wrath against themselves, and for this reason the Lord rebuked them (through the mouth of the Prophet), saying: “Why do the nations rage and the peoples conceive of vanity” (Psalm 2:1).

Truly, the thinking of the Jews is futile, as they think of death as opposed to life, and suggest unreasonable things against the word of the Father!

And whoever now looks forward to their dispersion and the destruction of their city says: “Woe to them, for they have plotted evil against themselves.”…

This is good, my brothers, because when they sinned against the Holy Bible, they did not know that “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and whoever breaks down a wall will be bitten by a serpent” (Ecclesiastes 10:8)...

The righteous fail the divine commandments

The righteous and faithful servants of the Lord, who are disciples of the Kingdom of Heaven, emerge from it new and old(35)And they suffer from the divine words while they sit in their homes, when they sleep, and when they stand up, while they are walking on the road.(36).

These have good hope because of the promise of the Spirit who said, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of hypocrites, who does not stand in the path of sinners, and who does not sit in the seat of scoffers. But his will is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”(37)

Being founded on faith and rejoicing in hope, he dares to say, “My mouth speaks wisdom, and my heart meditates with understanding.”(38)And also, “I meditate on all your works, on the works of your hands I meditate.”(39)“If I remember you on my bed in the morning, I will meditate on you.”(40).

Then he goes forward and dares to say, “The thought of my heart (satisfaction) is before you at all times.”(41).

What is this person's intention? He says, “Lord, you are my helper and my savior.”(42).

Such a person trains himself and occupies his heart with the Lord, so that nothing adverse will happen to him, because truly his heart is strengthened by trusting in the Lord, as it is written, “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which will never pass away, who dwell in Jerusalem.”(43)....

Such a person, even if trials and sorrows attack him from the outside, but when he complies with the apostolic words, he is steadfast in trials and persistent in prayer.(44)Meditating on the law, he therefore stands against what befalls him and is pleasing to God, and utters these written words: “Tribulation and distress have come upon me, but your commandments are for my pleasure.”(45).

Thought precedes action in good deeds

Such a person is moved in the work of virtue, not only by action, but also by the thoughts of his mind, and for this reason he says... “My eyes have gone before the time of dawn, to meditate on (all) your words.”(46)Because for the perfect, thought precedes physical execution.

Did not our Savior begin with thoughts of the mind when He was teaching us this same thing?! He said, “Everyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart,” and he considered a person’s anger toward his brother to be murder. Because when anger disappears, there is no killing, and when lust is excluded, there is no adultery. Thus, beloved ones. Meditation on the commandment is necessary, as is constant discussion of virtue “so that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”(47).

In these matters is the promise of eternal life, when Paul wrote to Timothy, calling on him to practice continuous thinking, saying, “Train yourself for piety.” Because physical exercise is beneficial for a few, but piety is beneficial for everything, since it has promise for the present life and the life to come.”

Deserving of every admiration is the virtue of this man, my brothers! For through Timothy he commands everyone to be concerned with nothing more than piety, but above all to be chiefly concerned with faith in God. For what grace can there be to a wicked man who is alien to keeping the commandments?!

Yes, the wicked cannot keep any of the commandments, because according to his thoughts, so are his actions. This is like the spirit that rebukes people like these: “The fool said in his heart, ‘There is no God’,” then repeating the deeds that match this thought.... “They have become corrupt and abominable by their deeds.”(48).

An evil man (i.e. a corrupt person) corrupts his body in any situation by stealing, committing adultery, cursing, drunkenness, and the like.

When Jeremiah accuses Israel of committing such things, he cries out, saying, “Oh that I had a lodging place for travelers in the wilderness, so that I could leave my people and go away from them, for they are all adulterers and a traitorous group.” They stick out their tongues like their bows to lies, not to the truth. They are strong in the land. For they have gone from evil to evil, and they have not known me, says the Lord.”(49) He rebukes them because of their evil and lying deeds and their going from evil to evil, and accuses them of evil because of their lack of knowledge of the Lord.

Faith and works

Faith and works are two sisters linked to each other.

Whoever believes in the Lord is pious, and whoever is pious is more faithful.

Therefore, whoever is evil is undoubtedly straying from the faith, and whoever abandons piety abandons the true faith.

For example, when Paul also bears witness to this, we find him advising his disciple, saying, “But avoid false and profane sayings, for they lead to more ungodliness. And their word feeds like food, including Hymenas and Philetus.” He pointed out what their evil was, saying, “They have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has come.”(50).

And again, if he wanted to highlight the connection between faith and goodness, he says, “And all who want to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”(51).

After this, so that no one would deny his goodness during persecution, he advises them to preserve the faith, saying, “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and are convinced of.”(52).

And just as when brother helps brother, they become each other's bulwarks, so also faith and goodness, as they grow alike by holding each other, so whoever experiences one of them will necessarily be strengthened by the other.

Therefore, wanting the student to train in righteousness to the end, and to strive for faith, he advised him, saying, “Fight the fight of faith and hold fast to eternal life.”(53). Because when he abandons the evil of idols and clings to the true God...then he will then fight by faith against those who are against God (i.e. the devils)!

The hope of faith and works is one

The hope of the two things that we are talking about - faith and righteousness - is one hope, namely eternal life, as (the Messenger) says, “Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold of eternal life.” “Train yourself to piety... Piety is beneficial for all things, for it has the promise of the present life and the life to come.”(54).

Therefore, the Ario-maniacas who are now leaving the Church as antichrists are digging the pit of unbelief, for which they thirst. As they advance in evil, they corrupt the faith of the simple(55)They blasphemed the Son of God, saying that He was created and that He existed from nothing.

Let us beware of these, just as the Apostle warned us of Hymenas and Philetus, saying, “But the firm foundation of God is established, since He has this seal. The Lord knows those who are His. And let everyone who calls on the name of Christ abstain from sin.”(56) Because it is good for a person to be separated from evil and sinful deeds, so that he can sanctify the feast. As for whoever is defiled by the filth of the wicked, he cannot offer the Passover to the Lord our God... as the Lord says, “Come out from among them (that is, from the midst of sin and unrighteousness) and separate yourself... and do not touch what is unclean.”(57). Because a person does not abandon sin and cling to virtuous deeds, unless he meditates on his deeds, and when he disciplines himself to piety, he clings to the confession of faith. After Paul fought hard, he preserved the crown of righteousness that was laid out for him and which the just Judge will give him, not only to him, but to all those like him.

Eid celebration is to adhere to faith with deeds

Since this contemplation and training in the life of righteousness are both the work of saints in all times, they are therefore necessary for us in our present time, when the divine word desires that we be preserved with the saints by our behavior in their manner.

What is Eid except worship of God, confession of piety, and constant prayer from the whole heart...?!

Thus, since Paul wants us to be in this state always, he commands us, saying, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in everything.”(58). Not individually, but we all celebrate together in unity... as the Prophet commands us, saying, “Shall we sing to the Lord, let us shout for joy to the Rock of our God” (Psalm 95:1).

Who is this neglectful person who disobeys the divine voice and does not leave everything and run to the general holiday meeting?! This is not preserved in one place, but rather “their reason has gone out throughout the earth, and their words have reached the ends of the inhabited” (Psalm 19:4). The sacrifice is not offered in one place, but rather in all nations (see Kings 1:11)...

Thus, praises and prayers rise in a similar way, rising up and from everywhere to the good Father, the Granter of blessings. The universal Church, which is everywhere, offers the same worship to God with joy and joy, sending a song of praise, saying “Amen.”

Indeed, how can someone who is not busy with prayer, my brothers, be deprived of beatitude?!…

Let us rejoice in the feast amidst the harassment of the Eusebius group

As long as this is the case, may we raise joyful voices with the saints, and let no one fail to do his duty regarding these matters, considering as if they are nothing the sufferings and trials that befall us, especially in these days through the group of Eusebius.

They want to harm us, and throw us to death with their accusations, because of the goodness of God, our helper!

But as faithful servants of God, we know that He is our savior in times of trouble. Our Lord promised us in advance, saying, “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven.”(59).

We return again and say that they are the words of the Savior declaring that sorrows do not fall on all people in this regard, but (especially) on the saints who fear Him. Therefore, the more we are surrounded by enemies, the more we are liberated, and despite their reproaching us for our gathering together, as they want to expel us from the life of piety, we nevertheless dare to preach, saying, “All this has come upon us, and we have not forgotten you.”(60)

By his death, he nullified the power of death

The Lord of death wanted to abolish death, and because He is “the Lord,” He achieved what He wanted for all of us as we passed from death to life.

As for the illusions of the Jews and those like them (the Arians), they are false illusions, so the result was contrary to what they expected. Rather, the result was against them, because “he who dwells in the heavens laughs; the Lord mocks them.”(61).

When the Lord was led to death, He repelled the women who were following Him crying, saying, “Do not weep for me,” meaning that the incident of the Lord’s death was not for sadness, but for joy, because the one who died for us is alive (able to rise), since he was not created out of nothing, but was born. From the father.

His death is truly a subject of joy, as we see signs of victory against death, and we see our incorruptibility through the body of the Lord. Because if He rose glorified, it is clear that He will resurrect us all. If his body remains incorruptible, we have no doubt that we will attain incorruption!

Because as Paul says(62) -And his saying is true- that just as through one man all men sinned, so through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ we will all rise.

He (the Messenger) says, “Because this corruptible person must put on incorruption. This mortal wears immortality(63)

(1) Ephesians 14:6.

(2) 1 Corinthians 4:4.

(3) 2 Corinthians 4:12.

(4) 1 Corinthians 9:13.

(5) 1 Corinthians 12:13.

(6) Ephesians 2:19.

(7) Philippians 3:15.

(8) Romans 8:24, 25.

(9) 1 Corinthians 7:7.

(10) Psalm 66:11.

(11) Psalm 66:12.

(12) Psalm 1:4.

(13) See Psalm 120:

(14) 2 Corinthians 12:21.

(15) 1 Corinthians 1:11.

(16) 1 Timothy 2:7.

(17) Deuteronomy 4:6.

(18) Hebrews 6:11.

(19) Isaiah 55:6, 7.

(20) From the Book of the Shepherd by Hermas

(21) John 1:1.

(22) 2 Timothy 3:14.

(23) 2 Timothy 2:8.

(24) 1 Timothy 4:15.

(25) Psalm 125:1, 1 Corinthians 10:4, Matthew 7:25.

(26) Matthew 22:13.

(27) Matthew 21:13

(28) Ezekiel 12:38.

(29) Isaiah 59:3, 4.

(30) Isaiah 59:4, 5.

(31) Isaiah 59:9-11.

(32) Psalm 57:4.

(33) Psalm 37:15.

(34) Proverbs 22:5.

(35) Matthew 52:13.

(36) Deuteronomy 7:6.

(37) Psalm 1

(38) Psalm 49:3.

(39) Psalm 143:5.

(40) Psalm 63:6.

(41) Psalm 4:19.

(42) Psalm 14:18.

(43) Psalm 125:1.

(44) Romans 12:12.

(45) Psalm 143:119.

(46) Psalm 119:48.

(47) 2 Timothy 3:17.

(48) Psalm 14:1,2.

(49) Jer 2:9.

(50) 2 Timothy 2:16-18.

(51) 2 Timothy 3:12.

(52) 2 Timothy 3:14.

(53) 1 Timothy 6:12.

(54) 1 Timothy 7:4,8.

(55) Romans 18:16.

(56) 2 Timothy 2:19.

(57) 2 Corinthians 7:6.

(58) 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

(59) Matthew 11:5,12.

(60) Psalm 44:17. Speaking after that about the necessity of our joy in the Lord and our lack of fellowship with the Arian heretics...

(61) Psalm 4:2.

(62) Romans 12:5.

(63)1 Corinthians 53:15.

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