
 In the world of weakness and sin, clothing appears to be a service and a blessing to man, as it is the body’s cover and veil, in cold and heat. Therefore, the dignity of bodies is with clothing, not with nudity. Nudity only reveals the ugliness and nakedness of the body, but beauty, majesty, good looks, and dignity are all lived in clothing, not without it.

The truth is that people, ever since their existence, have tended towards clothing. We did not know a people who lived in nudity and had contacts with the peoples of the entire world. In the street and at school, at work and in the shop, by the sea, and on the top of the mountains, man decided that his life would be with clothing, not without clothing. Hence, the saying: “Modesty is wisdom” becomes a conviction that cannot be abandoned and ignored for the sake of the renaissance of peoples and the advancement of man.

Dress is a necessity, as it increases a person’s prestige, and people of sobriety, sobriety, and prudence, sobriety and sobriety, and piety, righteousness, humility, and reverence. As for those who tamper with the sanctity of dress and the dignity of decency, they consume and are consumed at the same time. In fact, an immodest woman only gives her body, displays it and presents it to the eyes to devour and devour it. Contemporary women (10) It encourages people to devour it and nothing more.

Clothes beautify the bodies and cover their ugliness and shame. Our first view of man in the Holy Bible was in cover after the fall. The fall opened the eyes of the first man, and his nakedness was revealed to him (Genesis 3:7). what is the meaning of these words?

It simply means that nudity existed before the fall, before the first man's rebellion against divine love. However, nudity was not harmful, because the initial righteousness prevented the evils of nudity from creeping into the secrets of the soul, as man had not yet become spiritually disintegrated.

Nudity is basically a person's reality from the time he was born, his reality when he is born, and his reality when he dies (11). Nudity is the image of a human being who owns nothing but the dirt of which he is composed. Therefore, clothing is subsequent to the fall, it is incidental to existence, and incidental to human life. Dressing is something acquired, but nudity is innate, because it is our reality. But coexistence with it is impossible after the fall. Indeed, adopting nudity and nakedness entails serious moral problems in this time and in all times.

Accordingly, concealment is a result of man’s spiritual death, and the fruit of his internal disintegration, because nudity became a defect after spiritual death, and after the conclusion of the rupture with God by one party (man). This is what the Bible tried to express simply by talking about: “fig leaves.” Despite the “fig leaves,” divine grace remains the cover of the true human being according to what we say in the prayers of our church: “The Father is my hope, the Son is my refuge, and the Holy Spirit is my cover and protection...”

Dress, in this mortal world, does not dispel nudity, nor does it eliminate it. Rather, it only covers nakedness, because physical nudity cannot be treated with clothing. Dress has never been a sign of virtue or maturity, but it provides us with a double service: on the one hand, it wards off the onslaught of cold and heat from us, and on the other hand, it helps us to acquire purity and purity if we aspire to it.

Clothing is necessary not only to ward off darkness and heat, but also for considerations related to man's flaw in this existence. Dress, from the Christian point of view, is not clothes that adorn oneself, but rather it is about hoping for Christ to come to us and give us clothing, glory, and splendor: “You who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ...” (Colossians 3:10), (Ephesians 4:24), ( Galatians 3:25-27).

In a world of weakness and sin, a person is afraid of being naked, and feels extremely ashamed if he is forced to take off his clothes. In fact, no human being on earth feels comfortable if he were stripped of his clothes by force and necessity. Nudity embarrasses and shakes a person, even in front of a doctor. Therefore, the patient's desire to recover does not exempt him from experiencing shame. What we usually do, in the presence of the doctor, is not out of shame, but out of compulsion and compulsion, because this serves one goal for us, which is our desire to heal.

Despite this embarrassment known to human nature, the divine Messenger says: “Nothing will separate us from the love of the Lord, neither hunger, nor sword, nor nakedness...” (Romans 8:35). The Apostle Paul knows human feelings, human conditions and fluctuations, but in this message he does not seem to contradict these feelings, but in fact goes beyond them, to the extent that he is ready for everything for the sake of Christ.

However, clothing, which is an essential element of our life in the world, has been transformed by merchants and all those working in the fashion sector into a mere tool for unleashing the body’s instincts. Covering has become a secondary element. Dress, and through fashion itself, has become an integral part of the contemporary program of physical lust, which means that temptation and temptation are in dress and with clothing, and that there is no temptation with nudity. In other words, there is no temptation in the absence of clothing. Temptation requires clothing in order for it to spread, spread, and become oppressive... Of course, this does not mean that we should ask for nudity to repel temptation and contain it, as nudity is a defect in the mind, and a deviation from human data. It is a blatant denial of the call of the inner voice within us.

Temptation requires a certain type of clothing in order to enslave a person, tyrannize him, and destroy his safety and balance. But no matter how much fashion changes from generation to generation, no matter how much it is modified, no matter how much the forms of clothing and fashion change, no matter how short or long they are, the temptation will remain weak without clothes. Talk about temptation will remain useless talk in the air, unless we beautify the body, color its clothing, embellish it, and embellish it with long, torn, and striped clothing. The question now is: What does fashion do, and how does it affect the eyes and the body? How do we understand the mechanism and dialectic between fashion and instincts?

Fashion in fashion and clothing is based on repetition and rumination. This means that fashion is rhythmic, even musical, and will remain until the end of the world. Fashion is subject to a circular movement that has nothing to do with creativity?

Since fashion assumes repetition and rumination, because it is through modification, alteration, and change, it is renewed and pleasing in the eyes of people, therefore it is not creation, creativity, and renewal. Fashion changes no more. It is to break the monotony for fear of falling into boredom. It is merely an invasion of monotony in an attempt to break out of the cycle of ennui, boredom, and emptiness that modern man suffers from.

Since fashion is based on this circular rhythm, and this rhythm that follows one another, even after a while, it is always just repetition, even though in the eyes of some it is creation and creativity. What a woman wears today is enough for her to give up with the coming of the next season, and after a while, for this circularity and this rumination to take hold.(12).

There is nothing new in fashion, and there is nothing new in fashion, as the circularity and rhythm of fashion does not stop. Fashion designers are spinning in a vortex from which they will never emerge except through illusion and imagination. What makes fashion attractive is that it tickles the senses and stimulates instincts and passions. Fashion beautifies its lovers, deceives them, and makes them think that it makes them the most beautiful and attractive in the world. Fashion changes a person before the eyes, not before the mind.

Women's fashion designers are usually men, and therefore it is not surprising that they employ and exploit women's bodies, firstly in order to arouse themselves, and secondly, in order to arouse men. Hence the power of innovation (fashion) and its impact on the eyes. He who knows how to be aroused, obviously knows how to be aroused. Thus we simply come to the saying that women do not dress for women, but for men.

Fashionistas and those working in the fashion sector, who are responsible for developing women's fashion, know how they look like men, how they desire as men, and what they want from their eyes as men. Therefore, women's fashion takes men's desires as its standard, and its beginning from their eyes. The creativity of designers at this level is nothing but the fruit of men’s eyes that reject monotony and demand change. Accordingly, fashion is the fruit of lust on the one hand, and an unbridled desire to break the monotony of life, as some say, on the other.

Moreover, women's fashion designers do not consult the woman about what they do. Rather, they employ, if you like, her entire body for their purposes, so that she is the victim and they are the beneficiaries. Through such employment, two slavery are revealed to us: the first is the man’s slavery to the woman through his need for her body to unleash his creativity. Through this need, the features and hidden features of a man’s lust, his view of a woman, and even her body in particular, are revealed. On the other hand, the slavery of women and their psychological need for the spotlight shed on them by men is revealed to us.

Many in the world believe that men truly dominate women, ruling them and controlling them to the point of blackmail, enslavement and consumption. In fact, these two aforementioned slavery are revealed to us when we consider women’s fashion, the topics of focus on it, and how to deal with this and that form of fashion. Through male designers, we understand and understand how women are treated and how they are viewed.

However, what is sadly funny is that women are pleased, especially in the media age, with the consumerism that men impose on them in the hope of objectifying and consuming them. Her pleasure is understood to mean that being consumed by the man is an opportunity that the playful woman seizes to pounce on the man with temptation and temptation. In other words, the pleasure of the woman who agreed to be consumed is explained by the fact that she does not see her victory over the man except through the release of her charms by kindling the flames of the man’s instincts. If this analysis is proven, then interaction between man and man in general, and between man and woman in particular, becomes an affair that is not devoid of risks.

Women's fashion designers fluctuate between the parts of his body, sometimes focusing on the upper part of his body, and sometimes on the lower part of it. Sometimes her body is in tight clothing, and sometimes in loose clothing. Sometimes they increase the colors in women's fashion, and sometimes they are satisfied with one color and two colors, according to what allows for more profits and more consumption among people. The pursuit of fashionistas remains with two goals: the first is excitement, and the second is profit. Mostly, we are unable to say which is the first and which is the second.

However, things do not stop there, as fashion design does not move in the long and short term only, but rather relies on the charms of women and the excitement and suspense that inflame the instincts and make the woman’s body have different looks that serve the profits of merchants on the one hand, and the feelings of women and men on the other hand. Hence, women’s fashions, as we mentioned above, are honest reflections of men’s eyes and men’s desires on the one hand, and a vivid picture of the feelings that rage deep within a woman and are an honest picture of her thoughts on the other hand.

Fashion, like nature, dies and lives, it is always seasonal, and always rhythmic. Indeed, those who use drugs think that giving up the old and adopting the new leads to making the personality brighter, brighter, splendid and more modern. In addition, women and girls who are attached to fashion, and who are devoted to everything related to fashion, see in different fashions, and in the demand for it, keeping pace with every civilizational movement. Therefore, they see renaissance in cloth to be worn, in shoes to be worn, and in gold that covers the neck and hangs from the ear, and modernity, in knowing what foreign brands of clothing are, and showing off about which are the most expensive, as quality is linked to the most expensive, foreign, not to the cheapest, national. (13)

The truth is that for those who are attached to fashion to the point of slavery and worship at the same time, it is not possible to separate fashion from instincts and desires, between fashion and temptation, for the two are inseparable similitudes and inseparable synonyms. Women love eye-catching clothing because it fills a huge void deep inside them, quenches a thirst, and satisfies a need. Few women acknowledge the impact of appearance on their lives.

After this, is it possible that when we talk about fashion, there is one fashion for all women and all girls? How can tightness be a color that suits skinny, tall, short women, and short, tall women? Don't such questions mean that there is not one fashion for all women, and therefore fashion is not a standard for all women's shapes and women's tastes? There is a fashion for short women, another for tall women, a fashion for skinny women, another fashion for fat women, and so on.

So fashion is not one, but rather the number of clothing and fashion lovers. The question now is this: Who should a woman wear? Does she wear it for himself, or for someone else?

There is no doubt, although the question has been asked previously, that no human being in existence dresses in order not to please himself. Likewise, there is no doubt that such clothing has an impact on others, and indeed from others, the wearer derives pleasure, contentment, and joy. This statement applies to all people without exception. A woman dresses for herself, without a doubt, but she also dresses for others. Her clothing should suit his taste, and it should match the eyes of those who look at her.

Fashion can cause women and girls to struggle, become confused, and bewildered. Consider a young bridesmaid who was stuck by her love of tight clothing, so she spent the wedding period unable to sit for fear that her dress would burst. While those present rose and sat comfortably and freely. Consider also a young, good-looking girl, slender in stature, radiant in appearance, and slender in shape. She wore a short, tight, slit dress and entered a room crowded with people. You see this girl constantly busy pulling her clothes. She wants to attract attention, but the conflict inside her erodes every time. However, she insists on wearing tight and short clothes, just like what girls of her gender do in this era.

Then, in my opinion, media professionals are serious and insist on exploiting the psychological and sexual needs, especially of people who suffer greatly. These mentioned needs are relied upon to produce this and that fashion and clothing.

Media professionals and traders are shrewd people who know the weaknesses of peoples who suffer from all kinds of repression, especially sexual repression, in light of extremism, conservatism, pressure, and puritanism. This is a group of people, and regarding the educational issue in particular, they reject it and do not release it, repress it and do not undertake it, they show seriousness, but they tend to be complacent. In this sense, merchants and media figures, along with fashion engineers as well, are slaves, nay, prisoners of a contradictory dualism that they control and need, and even that controls their aspirations and ideas. Sometimes they urge people to adhere to the country's givens, values and customs by displaying winter fashions, and those that rely on long clothing, and sometimes they inflame it (i.e. the body) with short clothing that gives permission to protect humans, inflames desires and invites the soul to burn with the pests that result from it. That's why the merchants and media figures were clever and silent, constantly innovating in the hope of making huge profits. There is no harm if they rely on all means to achieve their goals.

Women today, unfortunately, are very fond of the fashions that are presented to them that are created and woven in order to beautify their bodies in order to employ, exploit and objectify them. A woman's submissive acceptance of whatever clothing is presented to her is, in my view, due to her deep feeling, and as a result of the sick upbringing she receives from her environment in general, and from her mother in particular, of oppression and inferiority, and her unbridled desire to transcend her situation. Which, in the final analysis, means that women suffer from the tyranny of men who impose themselves on every level. So, a woman's basic problem begins with her feeling that she is inferior to a man, and that the temptation she adopts through different seasonal clothes helps her overcome this oppression, frustration, and this inferiority. This means that a deep reading of the fashion phenomenon takes into account several things: psychological, educational, environmental, economic, and other factors for both men and women. The issue is not so simple that superficial people think that fashion is an indispensable aspect of civilization to ride the train of modernity and keep pace with civilization. There is a game with very complex rules played by men and women. Its elements are consumption, temptation, and objectification, and its field is the body and its appearance. Women accept fashion in order to exchange oppression for men and male superiority for feminine temptation. Men have dominated women throughout the ages, and now, after the doors to sexual freedom have been opened for them, they are trying to regain respect. In my opinion, there is no victory in this game for anyone over the other. The modern era does not work to support one person over the other, nor to achieve harmony between one person and the other. The goal, as is evident from the pursuit of all aspects of the relationship between men and women, is under the slogan: “Contemporary Love.” The love displayed through the media, and promoted through the small and large screens, is a civilized aspect that is accused of reactionaryism.

Everyone falls short of it and does not know it. Indeed, sexual freedom itself is so deeply integrated with the concept of love that it seems difficult, even impossible, to separate one from the other. (14). Hence, a girl who does not keep up with fashion is backward, and perhaps a price may be imposed on her as a result, classifying her as backward and reactionary, so she does not deserve to enter the golden cage. This means that a number of girls who reject fashion, and the reasons for rejection are many, may come to spinsterhood, unwillingly, of course.

I am convinced that the flirtation that a girl accepts may help her get married, but this flirtatious flirtation may not be the girl’s bridge to marriage either. However, the mothers of this time push their daughters to dress indecently indecent in preparation for their purpose of marriage. The girl accepts her mother’s suggestions because she is the daughter of this gendered time.

In fact, it is as if I am in this era facing someone who is programming this raging hell in public human relations: as if the objectification of human beings in this era is necessary in order to enter the maze of the civilizational game between men and women, the goal of which is to strike the human being first. Secondly, by making it more consumer.

In front of a portrayal like this, the woman whom we usually call sensible and sober, full of thought, heart, and character, seems to me not to care about fashion, or the different clothes whose lights and advertisements are spread everywhere. Reasonable women feel the need to take into account taste, contentment, sobriety, role, age, and location before they accept fashion with surrender.

I can understand, without difficulty, why a single girl would accept short and tight clothing. She may be displaying her body in this way, in search of the boy of her dreams, and she does not want to go to him except through the gate of appearance and temptation. This is short-sighted and short-sighted. Although it is understood through the stages of life, I do not understand why married women compete with single girls in dress, appearance, and movements! Whose shorts does a married woman wear?

If a married woman's heart is for her husband, and her body is for him, then this wife must know that going out into the street with short, long, and cleavage hair will only make her a teenager, wandering on the sidelines of life as if she is not connected to anyone yet. As if she was still searching for the dream boy. But a wife cannot be like a girl, and a married woman cannot be like a single woman. Because such coquetry among married women would turn women into mere girls who are still on display and still waiting for the boy of their dreams. Why does the wife continue to show off after her marriage? Is the parade a civilizational and paper face? Doesn't it indicate a state of instability for someone who does this and behaves like this?

Such a situation is, to me, a sign of corruption entering the marital domain, because such behavior carries with it the destruction of the marital home, even after a while. How many divorces were caused by this frivolity, which indicates a great void in the depths of the soul, thus indicating the absence of meaning and taste in life. The old behaves like the young, and the young behaves like he is old, and prematurely. This does not lead us to be surprised when we see young men behaving like adults, as if one of them knew a girl who was physically cross before marrying her.

In the behavior of many married women, there is a lack of role models. Role model has become a word that no longer has any meaning or meaning in today’s world. In fact, it has become rare.

On this level, the divine Apostle Paul tries to teach us what he previously taught the people of the Church of Corinth, when he said: “The woman does not have authority over his own body, but the man does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the woman does” (1 Corinthians 7:4). If the man is for the woman, and the woman is for the man, in marriage, according to the words of the Prophet, this means that what the contemporary woman and her husband are doing is contrary to the spirit of the New Testament.

Experience teaches that the problems of many married couples are due to this modernity and this looseness, this superficiality and this laxity, this frivolity and this coquetry. Girls in general, and women in particular, are called upon to pay attention to their behavior in singlehood as well as in marriage. And the modernity that a large number of women claim, especially that which is evident in dress, does not mean that the girl should be promiscuous and frivolous, desired by everyone who looks at her?

In fact, modernity is not in its essence a woman wearing short clothes, but it is in opening the heart to life, in opening it, inside and especially outside, in sobriety and not in looseness, in sobriety and elegance and not in the clothing that she abandons today and adopts something else tomorrow. Modernity is in decency, not in recklessness, in sobriety, not in chaos. What modernity can you gain from changing your dress? What is the relationship between dress and modernity? Do we say that the scientist sitting in his laboratory is backward just because he does not change his clothes? Where is modernity in a person whose slogan is his desires, lusts, money, stomach, and glory? An empty person is insignificant, and the insignificant person usually seeks undeserved admiration from people. Here a question arises that seems important if we want to: What is modesty as long as we are talking about dress?

Modesty is not just covering the body from head to toe. A modest woman is not the one who adheres to long clothes, as the required morals are not in long clothes. Because such a girl may have a number of reasons for doing so, and there may be a problem. Therefore, such a girl, despite her apparent modesty, may feel anxious about not imitating other girls who have embraced fashion from its broad perspective.

I know a woman who only wears long clothes, but when she speaks, she makes you feel as if desires are overflowing from her being. This means, according to God, the measure of modesty is in long clothing. But the issue of modesty is not just clothing, despite our belief that sobriety in dress is one of the basic elements of modesty. Modesty consists in matching the outer to the inner, matching a pure heart to a calm and harmless appearance. Decency is the conformity of behavior to thought, and the apparent conformity of intention. What is the value of clothing if the heart is a graveyard for desires?

So, in order to be born, decency needs the external and internal dimensions, which are intertwined and inseparable. The decency of the heart is not limited to the intention, nor is it restricted to it. Relying on the intention alone would make you unable to define and diagnose it.

Likewise, decency, in its internal dimension, must be evident in appearance, otherwise the person would be a liar and a hypocrite, and this is what the Lord means when he says: “By their fruits you will know them.” Good fruits are the daughter of good intentions and a pure heart.

External modesty is not in long clothing, but in calm senses, in eyes that are closed to evil and shameful things, in pure thoughts that are innocent of impurity, similar to what the psalmist says: “Make, O Lord, a guard for my mouth and a strong door over my lips.”

The modest person is external, and according to the external dimension, he is a person whose tongue, eyes, entire body, and thoughts prevail. As a modest person, he cannot offend anyone, nor be a stumbling block for anyone. Outward modesty has no meaning if it is not based on purity of heart. “...You are from the outside of plastered graves, but you are from within...” What is important to me is to maintain this harmony between the inner and outer, otherwise everything is a lie and hypocrisy.

But if, in our particular days, we do not see modesty in clothing, then this is a clear indication that we do not have it in the heart. We do not want true decency today, because we have moved away from purity of heart, and we love lusts more than ever before. Talking about decency today actually seems meaningless and useless. People today do not feel the importance of inner purity and do not see that its absence entails disadvantages, negatives, and a decline in general human behavior, with what this entails in the absence of values, the destruction of the family, and an increase in the divorce rate and the rate of rape. (15) And others...

After this, it seems that women's clothing designers do not understand the importance of purity of heart, and do not feel that they are concerned with a person's psychological and physical comfort. This is a matter that does not concern them, and therefore they do not see decency and what it entails as a matter worthy of attention. Their preoccupation with short and long, tight and loose, is only a sign, in my view, that the human being, from their perspective, is just a body.

Here, a question comes to my mind regarding girls and women affiliated with the faith and the church. If we consider the girls and women mentioned, we can ask the following question: How do faith and short dresses coexist in one person? In other words, how does faith in the Lord, and adherence and attachment to the charms of the body, be manifested in one person? In other words, and sorry for the repetition, how can the body be for temptation, while the heart is for Christ, in one person? Again, how can I be a daughter of Christ if I inflame the hearts, minds, thoughts, and bodies of young people with my immodest clothing, through which I highlight my body and unleash its charms? The same question applies to married women, and it is as follows: How do I remain presentable, when I dress in the manner of the times, after I became the wife of a man whom I pledged before God and people to be faithful to him and on no other level?

In fact, the wife’s insistence on remaining coquettish and playful, especially after his marriage, would inevitably make her weak in the face of the difficulties and challenges that come from within the marital home. Who knows, most married women today may be unable to protect their husbands in the face of the enormous challenges coming from both inside and outside. To answer this set of questions, we need psychological analysts who can explain human behavior to us and determine for us the motives behind this and that behavior. It is not enough to say that so-and-so is backward just because she does not wear tight clothing. Those who are passionate about fashion may be the most backward, par excellence.

However, a large group of girls and women object to my proposal and my view, saying: What is the problem if I wear shorts? In my opinion, this is normal. And all the girls dress like this. Isn't this the fashion today? I want to dress like my colleague dresses. It is not possible for all girls to be misguided. But if you think that there is someone who is harmed by looking at this and that piece of clothing, then I hope that the one who is harmed will stop looking at me, so that I can remain free and live as I wish. We usually hear this answer from girls after hearing such a question. The problem is that a girl sees herself as backward and isolated when her classmates do not keep up with modern clothing. In her depths and depths, she does not want to be isolated. She does not want to have any estrangement imposed on her by values and customs between her and her colleagues. In her view, this is an experience that she cannot bear.

In fact, it is not appropriate for a Christian girl to fear such isolation, and a so-called Christian cannot be immune from this test, because commitment to faith has conditions and burdens that are necessary and indispensable for living our Christianity. Because it is impossible for faith and indecency to coexist, just as it is impossible for ignorance and knowledge, chaos and discipline to coexist. But what is indecency?

Indecency is a state of human disintegration, because it is based on the worship of the body at the expense of all other dimensions of the human personality. Therefore, immodesty fragments the human being and transforms him, from a being and entity, into a mere body that invites the beholder to him and excites him with the intention of burning him. Indecency means that I become a thing and that the one looking at me becomes a professional human being.

Girls in general, and Christians in particular, seem eager for fashion. Fashion appeals to Eve in an unparalleled way. The girl is attached to fashion, in fact, she is fascinated by it to the point of astonishment.

The girl sees fashion as civilization, and believes that giving up the former deprives her of the latter. However, there is no relationship between fashion and civilization, it is just a matter of clothing. Consider modeling shows on the small screen. It is lust, destruction and consumption and nothing more.

Girls love fashion because it makes them attractive, colorful, glamorous and charming. Fashion renews the outlook on the girl and makes her like a chameleon, able to adapt to her environment, as if what is new and innovative from outside is cleverness. What is the meaning of this? This means that beauty is an appearance that has no ingredients, and no conditions other than clothing. Beauty and attractiveness are just changing the dress from time to time and that is enough.

However, the excess and exaggeration in fashion reveals to me that there is emptiness and anxiety in girls, and perhaps women as well. The teenage girl goes to extremes with her clothes, and the coquette woman goes to extremes with her clothes. The spinster goes to extremes in her clothing, and even plants her body with gold and counterfeits. The spinster is drowned in gold as if it renews her freshness, youth, and girlhood. Today, it seems that women in general have many conflicts that worry and worry them. They are in conflict if they resist extremist fashion, and they are also in conflict if they neglect fashion with its various limits.

Excessive extremism has pushed women and girls to adopt all forms of adornment and cosmetics. But what I do know is that the contradiction must be removed, and the ambiguity must be cleared up. Providing solutions to people’s problems does not mean focusing on goods invented by the West in order to make us more consumerist and poorer.

In fact, the religious person today seems like an idiot in the civilization of instincts and desires. But there is no escape from holy tabla, as it is a virtue, shield, and protection for those who love the Lord. Anyone whose soul yearns for the higher, for the Lord, must always listen to what the divine teacher Paul says: “...let us walk in the Spirit, so that we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh...and whoever wants to live in his flesh must acquire that with holiness and dignity, not lust and desire” ( 1 Thessalonians 4:4).

But alas! Alas! Christians have become civilized by their openness to the false face of the West. They have come to see civilization and sophistication in clothing, perfumes, cars, and possessions. They became civilized because they thought they spoke half a language, and they had deposits in banks. They saw nudity as civilization, and promiscuity as sophistication. However, I fear that this mentality and practice of theirs will be a cause of revulsion and revulsion among a segment of Christians and non-Christians, and a cause of alienation among religious people, rational people, and wise people. Christians, in my view, are digging the grave of Christ again, and planting a cross in every heart. They kill Christ every day, as if he did not die or rise for them. Christians have turned some symbols of their religion into signs to decorate their chests and ears. They turned the cross into a decorative tool, and this is an insult to their religion and heritage. They became completely corrupt when they were inspired by the West's corruptions, making them slogans to be emulated, and at a time when the West itself began to realize the necessity of apostasy due to the enormity of the destruction taking place there at the societal and family levels.

Accordingly, we must pay attention to ourselves, evaluate our practices, and advise ourselves. Our behavior and thoughts, and renew our faith and worship. Let us not be superficial and trivial, taken by appearances and neglecting the core. Let us hasten to the Lord in humility and repentance, worshiping Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and intention, so that we may have a share in His kingdom.

Let us be a lover of prayer, for it is able to create purity and purity in us. Let us preserve our norms, values and morals. Let us protect our religion and religiosity from the absurdities and consumerism of this time. Let us preserve the constitutions of our countries and the laws of our countries. Let us respect our bodies and the bodies of others in order to respect humanity. We must seek purity and abstain from immorality and corruption, so that we do not become a breeding ground for mental beasts and vile desires in all their forms and corruptions. Our preoccupation with fashion is an effort to beautify our earth, which only God can beautify. Because our true shine is from above. Otherwise, our ship will not be delivered. Otherwise, we are the height of backwardness and decadence.

(10) What happened that made the woman convinced that she was just a body to be desired? The question is strange.

(11) Talking about death is subsequent to the fall, and the fall in turn is the fruit of sin.

(12) I can look at a picture of my mother, may God have mercy on her, that was taken in the fifties, when the dress in many aspects was similar to today’s dress, and this is evidence that fashion is circular and has nothing to do with creativity. Whatever we give up today, we will return to, even after a while.

(13) National production is a second chapter, and foreign production is a first chapter. Either we change the quality of production and become like someone who promotes his neighbor’s house and despises his own. Our situation is like that of someone who promotes those who colonize him. This is absurd and narrow-sighted.

(14) It is impossible in this time to love in the absence of sex. Sex is only understood as an expression of love. It is as if our time does not understand love except through lust, and does not accept love as a principle of effort and sacrifice for the growth of human humanity. * Perhaps there are psychological reasons behind spinsterhood, but there are also reasons related to not keeping up with fashion and modernity at the same time.

(15) We always read about cases of rape, and what is worse is that it is not limited to minors only, but also to children. This is destruction. In my opinion, the reason is due to escaping values, and to a satanic freedom that today's people cling to. I do not deny that the media also has a fundamental role in kindling the fire of instincts. Whoever wants to address moral problems must start with television and cinema.

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