
There are many differences, some of which we will briefly mention here, along with mentioning the Arabic references for more information:

1- Jehovah's Witnesses deny the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity (like the Jews). God's name is exclusively Jehovah, and He is not three persons in one divine nature. Christ is the Son of God in rank, and He is a creation and the closest of God’s creatures to Him. Before his incarnation, Christ was the Archangel Michael, then he became a human being in his incarnation, then he returned to heaven and became the Archangel Michael again! As for the Holy Spirit, it is not a hypostasis, but rather the spirit of Jehovah and his active force. Jehovah's Witnesses use the names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible, but they deny the Trinity.

2- Christ is not a God equal to Jehovah, but is called a God like the gods of the world. He is a true God, but he is a created being and lower than Jehovah. Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses cannot reconcile this teaching with the teaching of the Bible, which recognizes only one true God while naming the gods of the world or a second.

3- Jehovah's Witnesses claim that an angel stole Jesus' body from the tomb and hid it to appear on the last day (1)! And that Jesus appeared to his disciples after his death, assuming “metaphorical bodies.” (2). Of course this is a lie and a slander against the Bible.

4- After Christ ascended as a spiritual being and sat at the right hand of Jehovah, Jehovah placed Christ on his throne on October 1, 1914, and Christ purified his spiritual throne! This is the “return” of Christ according to the witnesses. In 1918, some 144,000 rose from the dead and began to rule with Christ in heaven!

5- Jehovah's Witnesses deny the immortality of the human soul, which dies with the death of man and returns to nothingness. A person's soul is in his blood, like an animal.

6- Jehovah's Witnesses equate the Old and New Testaments with the Old Testament righteous and the New Testament saints. They believe in the physical return of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to establish a Jewish state in Palestine and build the Temple of Solomon. They drew a picture of Solomon’s Temple in their book “Thy will be done,” Arabic version, pages 76, 77. (3).

7- Only 144,000 will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven while the rest of the believers (second-class believers) will inherit the Earth with physical bodies and not be like the angels in Heaven!

8- Jehovah's Witnesses predicted the end of the world several times (1914, 1918, 1925, 1975) in vain, claiming that they were the “false prophet.” (4)

9- Jehovah's Witnesses forbid blood transfusion for their followers, whatever the reason, based on verses Genesis 9:4, Lev 7:26-27, and Acts 15:28-29, proving that they are more Jewish than Jews, because the Jews themselves do not understand these verses in this way and do not prohibit blood transfusion. the blood. Jehovah’s Witnesses prohibited organ transplantation in 1967, then allowed it in 1980. They prohibited vaccinations in 1931, as they stated: “Vaccination is a direct violation of the eternal covenant that God made.” (5).

10- The teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses are mixed with blatant paganism. For example: Their founder, Charles Russell, said that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was “inspired” by God, like the Bible. (6). The Observation Society's publications translated the pyramid's measurements into years as an attempt to predict future events, predicting that the battle of Armageddon "will come in the year 1914." (7). They said that Jehovah resides in the Pleiades and that his throne is in its smallest star (8).

11- Jehovah's Witnesses use a modified, distorted version of the Bible, the “New World Version,” which they have translated into many languages (and soon they will certainly translate it into Arabic if they have not already done so!). They altered the original biblical text to conform to their beliefs. In John 1:1, for example, they differentiate between the first and second word “God,” so they write the first with a capital letter God, because it denotes God the Father, and they write the second with a small letter, God, because it denotes Christ, in order to indicate that Christ is merely a God who is not equal to the Father. In Acts 20:28, “the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood,” they translated it as: “the church of God, which he obtained with the blood of his Son,” so as not to make Christ the God who gave his blood on the cross. And in Colossians 2:9, “For in him (that is, Christ) the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily,” they translated it as: “For in him dwells the fullness of the divine attribute bodily,” so that Christ would not be the fullness of the Godhead, even though the Greek word used for the word “theology” here is Theitetos, which means divinity, not the divine attribute! Because Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Christ was crucified on a mere vertical stake without another obstructing stake (they reject belief in the cross), they deleted the word cross from the length and breadth of the book and replaced it with the word the torture stake. Because they do not believe in the divinity of the Holy Spirit and that He is a hypostasis, they distorted some topics, such as: “The Spirit of God hovers over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2) and made them: “And the active power of God hovers.” Other examples also include Romans 9:5 and Phil 2:9. And 2 Peter 1:1, Tit 2:13, Luke 23:43, etc. Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not deterred from distorting and falsifying the original biblical text in order to conform to their ideas.

In the end, Jehovah's Witnesses, according to their faith, are a Jewish heresy - paganism with a false Christian flavor. It denies the Holy Trinity, the immortality of the soul, and the physical resurrection of Christ, and calls for a return to Palestine to establish an earthly kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital. (9).

About the book: You asked me and I answered you
Question 156- What are the main differences between Orthodoxy and the heresy of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Answer: Written by Dr. Adnan Traboulsi


(1) The book “The Harp of God”, Arabic version, pages 191.

(2) The book “The Harp of God”, Arabic version, page 203.

(3) See also the book “Millions of the Living”, Arabic version, pages 31, 94.

(4) The book “Millions of the Living,” 1920 American edition, pages 89-90. Watchtower magazine, American edition, issue August 15, 1968, page 494.

(5) The Golden Age: April 2, 1931,. 293

(6) Thy Kingdom Come, 1903 Ed., .362

(7) The Time is at Hand, 1904 Ed., . 101

(8) The book “Reconciliation”, Arabic version, pages 15-16

(9) See Aspiro Jabour: “Jehovah or Jesus”, “Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Adventists…”, “Theological fallacies among Jehovah’s Witnesses”. And also: Father George Attia, “A public debate with Jehovah’s Witnesses.” And a book:

Anthony Hoekema: The Four Major Cults, WB Eerdmans Co.

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