
Although Jehovah's Witnesses say that the source of their teaching and information is the Bible, is this true? No! How do we know? Here are two examples:

  • In their book “The Harp of God” (p. 203) they said: “As for the body that Jesus sacrificed on the cross and was buried in the grave, the angel took it out of the grave by the supernatural power of God and hid it.” Where did they get this statement from? From the Bible? No, never!
  • In their book “This is Eternal Life” (p. 289) they said: “Jesus Christ is the great angel sent by God… He is the archangel called Michael.” Where in the entire Bible do we find that Jesus Christ is the archangel Michael? Not anywhere!

What do we conclude then? We simply conclude that Jehovah's Witnesses are liars.

 Jehovah’s Witnesses claim, as in the Watchtower (p. 187) of the December 1955 issue, “The only true religion that remains after the sifting is the true religion that Jehovah’s Witnesses alone profess.” In their view, the true religion is that which is in complete harmony with the Bible, “the truth that leads to eternal life” (p. 15). So Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that their teaching is in complete harmony with the Bible, “the truth that leads to eternal life” (p. 15). Let’s see if this is true!

In 1920 Judge Rutherford (the second president of the group) published a book entitled Millions of Those Who Are Alive Today Will Never Die. In it he said: “We certainly expect that the year 1925 will be the time of the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the ancient faithful prophets to the state of human perfection” (p. 96). He added on pages 103 and 104 that “from the promises made in the divine Word we must arrive at the certain and irrefutable conclusion that millions of those who are alive today will never die.” He concluded on page 106 by saying: “When the renewal begins, all the dead will rise from their graves and be restored to life in order.”

This statement had a great impact on the souls of Jehovah's Witnesses at that time. Why? Because Rutherford considered himself and his followers considered him a prophet inspired by God.

So what of his predictions came true in 1925. Where are the manifest promises they saw in the divine word? Where are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the ancient faithful prophets? Where are the millions who will never die? And where are the dead, all the dead who will rise from their graves?

Where and where?! All of this has no effect except in the imagination of Jehovah's Witnesses!

One would at least expect Rutherford to have lived… forever. But he died on January 8, 1942.

What do we conclude then? We conclude that Jehovah's Witnesses are false teachers and false interpreters.

Jehovah's Witnesses twist the Bible in the direction they want. They put black and white together to sometimes lead you to the strangest conclusions. Then they tell you: This is what the Bible says!

Look at this sample for example:

The subject of blood - the words are borrowed from their book “The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life” (pp. 164-170).

They say that God forbade eating animal blood because life is in the blood. This is based on Leviticus 17. Then they say that human blood is also forbidden to eat because it is no less holy than animal blood. Then they say that transfusing blood to a sick person is a way of eating, as evidenced by the fact that a person who cannot eat food by mouth is given a serum by vein. Therefore, they conclude that God’s law forbids transfusing blood from one person to another.

If we accept what they claim, we would have to say that a father who sees his son – the apple of his eye – struggling with death, and is in need of his father’s blood that he is able to give him, this father must let his son die in order not to violate God’s law. This is crazy talk! How can a father let his son die if he is able to save him? Doesn’t his love for his son require him to give, even his own blood, to save his life?! Isn’t a father giving his son some of his blood an act of love? Isn’t love the goal of the law (1 Timothy 1:5)? How can love be contrary to the law?! How can a father’s action be contrary to the law?! Indeed, if the father does not give his son some of his blood at this critical time, he would be contrary to the law!

What do we conclude then? We conclude that Jehovah's Witnesses are corrupt in mind, playing with words and distorting the Bible. The words of the Apostle Paul to his disciple Timothy are true about them (2 Timothy 3): "In the last days perilous times will come, for men will be traitors, having a form of godliness but denying its power; they will enter every home and resist the truth. They will be corrupt in mind and reprobate concerning the faith; they will be evil impostors, going from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you, continue in the things you have learned and have been convinced of, knowing from whom you learned them."

Sunday, May 17, 1992, Issue 20

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