Theodosius, Emmanuel, Cadratus, and the other forty

These people apparently died as martyrs for Christ during the time of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (284-305 AD), and they are from our country, although it is not specified in which region they lived or died. Kadratz was a bishop. The pagans expelled him from his throne and forbade him from calling on the name of the Lord Jesus. He did not care about their threats and warnings. He continued his service, baptizing catechumens and visiting imprisoned Christians, encouraging them to be steadfast in their confession of faith. When news reached the pagans of his continued apostolic activity, they arrested him, tortured him, and beheaded him.

Also at that time, a number of Christians appeared on their own initiative before the pagan rulers and boldly admitted that they were Christians. These were Theodosius, Emmanuel, and forty others. They were thrown into prison and tied naked to poles. Then the executioners tore their bodies apart, dragged them across ground covered with thorns, and finally cut off their heads.

On March 26, the church celebrates the martyr Saint Codratus, and on March 27, the martyrs Theodosius and Emmanuel.

Troparia in the fourth tune
Your martyrs, O Lord, through their efforts, obtained from you indestructible crowns, O our God, because they attained your strength, so they destroyed the usurpers and crushed the power of the demons who have no power. Through their pleas, O Christ God, save our souls.

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